I Cant

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Diggy POV

What Danielle just told me...i was in shock i started run after the cab but it sped away and i was in the middle of the street, out of breathe and alone. I ran back to the hotel and passing Maria on the way there. I just looked at her and kept going. When i got back to the hut i called Spin.

Diggy: Man!

Spin: yo whats wrong?

Diggy: (starts to man cry..if that's even a thing) I screwed up

Spin: yo what happened?

Diggy: i cheated on Dani...

Spin:duuuuuuuuudeeeee! Dig how could you?

Diggy: i wasn't thinking straight and i didn't know she was pregnant!

Spin: She's PREGNANT?!



Diggy: is that all your gonna say?

Spin: you messed up! What were you thinking?! you cheated on your wife!

Diggy: i know i know i KNOW!

Spin: were is she now?

Diggy: i don't know she took a cab to a airport.

Spin: What did she say?

Diggy: nothing! all she said was that she was pregnant!

Spin: let her calm down, then talk to her

Diggy: she's not gonna wanna to talk to me!

Spin: what did you exactly do?

Diggy:.........i..slept with the hotel desk clerk

Spin: duuuuuuuuuudeeeeee!


Spin: i'll see what i can do, but you have to fix this yourself.

Diggy: okay. any advice

Spin: don't sign the divorce papers! (laughs)

Diggy:-___- that wasn't even close to being funny!

Spin: dude i'll see what i can do but its up to you

Diggy: thanks bruh

Spin: no prob imma call you back in a hour and you better pick up, i don't care if you sleep, or taking a shit you betta pick up!

Diggy: alrighttttt!

Spin: k bye

Diggy: later

*end of phone convo*

End of Diggy POV

Danielle's POV

When I got back to LA a day later.I went straight to Diggys parents house and got the twins they asked a bajillions questions and all I could say was that me and Diggy were having problems. Rev told me theirs no such thing as Divorce in there house but told me to talk to Diggy. I sighed and left there house confused. I couldn't go back to my house cuz i know diggy would be there and i couldn't bare to look at him right now. I decided to go to Loriales house since I haven't seen her in a while. I got to her house with the twins and she answered.

Loriale: omg! What are you doing here?

Danielle: just haven't seen my BFF in a while and the twins missed you

Loriale:......that's not really the answer I wanted so let's talk inside.

--15 minutes later their settled in Loriales house

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