Moving In

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This one is short since I did 2 today

Danielle POV

Diggy got back from the bathroom and it was awkward silence. We all just looked at each other. Then "She" started talking again.

Maria: so I'll call you later Diggy

Danielle: have his number?

Maria:memorized(smirks) I'll talk to you later...

-Maria gets up to hug Diggy, but Diggy gives her a side hug.


----next day

Danielle POV

I woke up and Diggys hand was on my stomach. I smiled and placed my hand on his hand and he woke up fast. He looked at me confused and I put my fingers to his lips and said "shhhh" and he went back to sleep. I slowly got out of bed or kinda like sprawled out of bed. I felt like I was carrying triplets. I saw Diggys phone Ringing. I usually don't pick or go through his phone but something was nagging me and to my surprise the caller id said "Maria" with a sad face. I answered

Maria: hey Diggy

Danielle: this isn't Diggy

Maria: oh where is Diggy?

Danielle: sleep

Maria: can you wake him up?

Danielle: can you disappear?

Maria: no!

Danielle: then we're both gonna be disappointed

Maria: uggggg can you please wake him up!?!

Danielle: whatever you say to him you can say to me

Maria: I need a place to live

Danielle:...uhhhhhhhhhh NO!

Maria: please my mom kicked me out me and her never ha a great relationship....

Danielle: you think I'm gonna let you live in my house with my husband and my kids?!!

Maria: please Danielle I know you don't like me but Diggy is the father of my child and I want him to be there

Danielle:He can still be there but not with you living in my house!

Maria: I'll be over at your house in 10 minutes!

Danielle: no no no no

*Maria hangs up*

Danielle: I know this bitch did not just hang up on me

Diggy: She wants to live with us?

-Danielle turns around startled

Danielle: your up?

Diggy: you were yelling

Danielle:your not mad at me for answering your phone?

Diggy: no what did she say?

Danielle: her mom kicked her out and she needs a place to stay(sits on the bed)

Diggy: I could get a hotel for her to stay at

Danielle: do you think we should let her come live with us?

Diggy: she is carrying my child

Danielle:she better not pull anything

Diggy: I don't want you pulling anything either, can I see my phone?

Danielle: yeah sorry

Diggy: it's all good

*doorbell rings*

Diggy: who is that?(gets off the bed)

Danielle: oh shoot! She said she was coming over

Diggy: oh we can tell her she can stay with us till the baby comes

-they both head downstairs, Diggy ends up opening the door cuz Danielle is taking forever To get down the stairs.

Maria: Diggy!(pulls him into a hug)

Diggy: hey Maria

Maria: I'm assuming Danielle talked to you...

Diggy: yeah and we decided you can stay with us until the baby comes.

Maria:YAY!!! I have all my stuff in the car.

-Danielle finally gets to the door

Danielle: Maria...


Danielle: I'll show you your room (gestures for her to follow her)

Danielle POV

I walked to the hall to the downstairs guest bedroom that she could use. She asked if she could have a tour and I wanted to be nice cuz my pregnancy hormones were going crazy. I showed Her everything downstairs. I showed her to kitchen and told her Dinner is at 6:30 and if she wanted to eat to be here at 6:30. We both waddled upstairs so I could show her our theater just in case she wanted to watch movies. She asked me where Me and Diggys room was i pointed towards the door across the twins room and said"this is ours and the twins are right across from us" then she asked were the twins were and told her they were still sleep in their room and that they had a long night. She laughed and we walked downstairs. Diggy was on the phone and i kissed him on the check and went to the kitchen for some food. For whatever reason she followed me -.- like bitch go to your room.

Maria: you and Diggy are so cute

Danielle: thank you

Maria: it's like you guys are newlyweds

Danielle: well after he cheated on me we decided to start over(starts eating out of a bag of chips) wouldn't mind sharing..... your chips I'm kinda hungry

Danielle:(points bag towards her) we have a lot of snacks feel free to to get them

Maria: thank you(smiles)

Maria POV

After I had something to eat i told Danielle i was gonna go take a shower. I went to my room To find my bags already there. Diggy was such a gentlemen which made me happy for the next couple of months. I went to the bathroom they had in the bedroom. I made sure all the doors were locked and I took my shirt off and the fake belly. It made my stomach swear a lot and it got uncomfortable after a couple of hours. I paid so much for this fake belly lawddd but it looks sooo real and it adjustable! I took a long shower then put it back on a new shirt. I decided to go see why Diggy was doing.

Sorry for

Typos I'm updating from my iPod and it's not easy -.-

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