My Story

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FlashBack to 10th grade-  No one POV

Lola walked downstairs into the kitchen has her parents were making breakfast. "Hey mom, hey dad" she said. " Morning sweet-heart, are you hungry?" her mom said. " always hungry^_^ hey dad whem do have to go back to work?" " Well their going to be shipping me off to Iraq soon but i dont really know the exact date...why" "Dad your not going to be here when school is over.........-__-" "Baby im sorry but its what i do and it pays the bills!!! so you need to stop complaing and take out the garbage before you eat!!!" " but Dad thats not my job its Jason's....." "so your brother has to do everything for you??!!" " Lola sits their for a second thinking if she should say something. She starts to to take the garbage out. " Lo....I love you and i just want you to know that" " Whatever Dad -___-" Lola walks outside to take the garbage out but notices that its not there so she looks around and she see's it on the curb.  she thinks to herself "who the FRUCK would leave it on the curb???, Jason and James are going to get it" While Lola is walking back she stubs her toes on door. "ahhh mother of all GODS!!!" Lola walks into her house in pain. "MOOOOOM!!! i stubbed my toe on the door..." Lola walks into her living room "Mom....Dad.....Jason....James??!!!??? anybody here???? WTF is going on???" Thats when Lola see's a red handprint on the wall...she thinks its blood then she's looking around yelling her family names but no one responds. She goes into the kitchen and theirs nothing their: no fridge, no table, no chairs, no microwave, no anyhting. Lola starts to panic " ohhhhh God please them be outside or something trying to prank me...OH GOD OHH GOD" Lola runs upstairs to her parents room and all their is, is a bedframe.... the clothes out the drawers are gone. Lola is already screaming and crying she goes to her room. She walks in and everything is the same.... she see's her phone and calls 911 and she tells them that she thinks her parents and two litttle brothers are missing.  They tell her that they will be there in a couple of mins.  They also tell her that she needs to leave the hoouse right now just incase their were kidnapped that they wont come back for her. Lola runs out of the house and waits for the police . The police arrive 15 mins. later and they start to investigate. Seven hours later the police come and talk to Lola " Mam, we searched your whole house and we could not find anything except for a handprint and we are 100% positive that it is blood so were sending it to our DNA lab for testing, We are putting this on hold for right now because we dont know if they were kidnapped or they just got up and packed and left." The police man said "NOOOOOO this cant be happening my parents would NEVER leave me here alone NEVER do YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!???!!!" Lola said "Mam, were sorry but thats all we can do,  Its seems like they just disappeared off the earth in a matter of mins. I am very sorry for your loss, a social workers will be talking to you about where you will be going and staying." the Police officer said "Noooo noo why why why ohh god you HAVE TO FIND THEM!!!" Lola is screaming at everyone and eventually and man comes and drags her into a black car and drove off into the night.

Next chapter: Lola in an interview room AFTER she told them that her parents went missing when she was 15 years olds.

Next chapter 2mrrow!!!! I hope you enjoyed it ^_^ sorry for the typos i was wrote tis on my iphone lolol sorry it took forever to update WattPad was acting dumb...

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