Loki: The Less I Know, The better. Part One.

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The last you had heard of Loki, he had disappeared without a word. You were cut, hurt deeply by his absence. He was your best friend, your confidant, your crush.

Sitting at your work desk, you were writing up your newest report. It was tedious work, but it distracted you from the smaller annoyances that niggled in the back of your mind.

You were pulled from your work driven haze by your friend, Tiffany.
"Hey, (Y/n)! Wanna grab a bite? Maybe a coffee? My treat." The blonde Australian gave you a large smile and offered her arm, her blue eye's pleading with you.
"Alright, just let me finish this up, okay?" You gave her a sideways smile as you watched the smaller girl jump in excitement.

~to the café~

You and Tiffany sat it the lovely leather booth, staring out the window; gazing at the passing couples and important businessmen that skitter by. The ambiance of the cafe calmed you, the decadent scent of freshly ground coffee beans filling your lungs, the soft sounds of people talking minced with the delicate tones of a guitar. It was immensely relaxing.

You sipped on your drink, relishing in the one moment of peace that you were achieving, finally away from the stresses of your busy life. You turned to Tiffany, hearing her gasp and almost choke on her vanilla latte.
She was pointing to something outside the window, towards the apartments that lined the busy street.

"What? What is it?" You looked in the direction of her pointing and lo and behold, there was Loki; leaving an apartment with a woman tucked in his arms. Hands intertwined.

Your heart broke, you felt each strand of the muscle tear very slowly. You watched as they crossed the street and entered the cafe, still connected. You were in shock, he moved on.

You almost had a heart attack when his gorgeous green orbs locked with yours. Time stood still as he slowly pulled away from the woman and strolled over to you, his face graced with a tender smile.

"(Y/n), you're here. What a surprise!" He stopped before you, playing with his hands in a nervous manner. You were dumbfounded, two years and that's all he had to say. It hurt, like a bullet straight in the heart.
"How are you?" He asked, his eyes never leaving your face. Your chest constricted, you couldn't even form words.

"She's been great! Her and I recently started up our own business specialising in..." You stopped registering your friends words, your mind still reeling from the shock that was Loki.

He is real.

You were brought out of your thoughts by a nasally voice, it tore through your mind like a wrecking ball through a wall. You watched helplessly as a tall, purple haired woman strutted up to Loki. She was rake thin, her facial features pointed and pulled into what seemed to be a constant scowl.

Her eye's zeroed in on you, hatred seemingly oozing from every pore as she wrapped herself around Loki shamelessly.
"Who's this Loki-Bear?" You tried not to visually cringe at her voice, mixed with the horrid nickname that she had brandished the raven haired fool with.

"Oh, my apologies dear. This is my friend (Y/n) and her business partner Tiffany. Ladies this is Dannica, my-" Loki was interrupted by Dannica's voice.
"His girlfriend, nice to meet you (Y/n), but we need to go. Loki has some things that he needs done." And with that he was dragged away, out of sight but not out of mind.

"Jeez, she's the wicked bitch of the west. How rude, bloody wench." You laughed, watching your friend rant about the woman that had a piece of your heart in her grasp.

You lowered your gaze to the table and there on the white napkin, in gold cursive was a phone number. Loki.

~time skipppp~

You shut off your computer, watching Tiffany stride up to your desk, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Hello doll face!" She slid onto your desk and winked at you, causing you to laugh hysterically.
"What have you done now?" You questioned, watching the blonde smile wider.

"I got us a double date tonight at the hottest club in town, all you need to do is show up!" You gawked at her, processing the weight of her words.
"You WHAT?!" She giggled in response, standing from her once seated position.
"You heard me, go home and get ready. I'll pick you up at 8pm sharp! That gives you two and a half hours." She preened herself and gave you a smirk, turning to the door.

"I hate you!" You shouted after her retreating form.
"Love you too darling! Dress sexy, he'll love it!" She hollered back, leaving you alone in the office.

Damn her.



Yupp, I updated and now you have a few part series coming your way!

Lemme know what you think, my lovely readers.

- TiffIsUpAtOneAmBeGratefulThatSheWroteThisShitShow.

Loki & Tom Hiddleston ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang