Loki: A New Kind Of Love

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Yelling, another night of yelling and the throwing of things across your shared bedroom. This was the last time you would deal with Tony's shit, he was a liar and a cheat; that was one thing that you had learned to hate. Not only that, he was married to his work, he never really talked to you unless it was important in his mind. For your birthday he gave you a phone-call. What a gift.

"Look, (Y/N) I am-" You slapped him hard, right before he could make up some bullshit excuse and try to rope you back into his web of lies.

"This is the last straw Tony, The last fucking straw. I. Am. Done. WE, are done. Fuck you and your dumb fucking whores. I am done!!" You were furious, you wanted blood, Tony's blood to be more precise. 

"(Y/N) Please I never meant-" You turned and glared at him freezing the words you had heard a thousand times before.

"You never meant to get caught Tony. I have a tip for you, Stay the fuck away from me and Stay away from my friends. I hate you." You stepped out the door and saw everyone standing there, dejected and shocked looks on their faces. That's when the tears began, stinging your eyes and burning your throat.

Running pass them you enter the elevator and then exit, flagging a taxi to head down to your apartment.  

-Time skip-

Four months. Four months ago you lost contact with the Avengers and broke things off with the playboy, millionaire and philanthropist known as Tony Stark. It may have hurt when you broke up with the ass-hole, but it hurt more  when you realised that you had also left behind all of the people you love. All of your friends had disappeared. 

Walking down the busy streets of New York, thoughts were spilling through you head. So many regrets were playing over and over. That was when you ran into a solid object, or person. Falling onto the hard pavement, you let out a groan of pain and then mentally prepared yourself to rip into the person who knocked you down. Just before you started your rant, a voice that wrapped around you like velvet started; you knew this voice anywhere.

"My apologise fair maiden, I never meant to run into you. I'm afraid I'm looking for my brother, he ran away and I have no idea what he could be doing as of this moment. Have you seen a tall, strong looking buffoon nearby?" The gentleman spoke with confidence and strength, you looked up and smiled, it was Loki.

"I'm afraid not, perhaps Thor is in the coffee shop?" You quizzed him. At the mention of Thor's name Loki's gaze shot towards you, scanning your face before breaking into a large smile. 

"(Y/N)! I-I have not seen you in quite a long time, how are you fairing? Have you met anyone new? I see you got a hair cut and you're wearing the coat I bought you last year!" You giggled and shook your head, he was adorable.

"Hi! Anyway, how about I answer all of your questions and more in the coffee shop?" Loki nods in agreement and takes you by the hand, whisking you off to the coffee shop.

-Short time skip-

Sipping on your lovely warm coffee, you begin to answer Loki's questions.

"Well, I have been well. I have not met anyone recently, unless you want to count this as a date and yes I did get a hair cut. I needed some change, especially after everything that happened between-" Loki cut you off by placing his long, pale index finger onto you plump lips.

"You look lovely and why ruin a wonderful 'date' by bringing up bitter memories." He purrs and winks, removing his finger slowly, making you blush ever-so-slightly. 

"Uh-umm... How is he by the way? How has he been?" You question, running a hand through you beautiful (H/C) locks. Loki frowns and sighs, sitting back slightly in his seat and running a hand through his raven black hair.

"He is engaged." You splutter in shock and ask him to repeat it again. "He is engaged to Pepper Potts, his secretary thing. He proposed one month ago."

You stood slowly and shook your head, tears brewing. Three months after you break up he proposes to this woman, but five years and nothing. That hurt, it hurt bad.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm going to go. You should find Thor. I-I'll see you-" You were stopped by thin, long fingers wrapping around your wrist.

"I can't let you walk out, not again. Last time I let you, I did not see you for four months. You may be able to walk out of Stark's life, but I refuse to let you out of mine again." He pulled you closer and ran his hand across your cheeks, catching your tears one-by-one.

 "He is a fool to have let someone as gorgeous as you get away. I will not let that happen, so (Y/N), will you do me the pleasure of staying in this life with me? Be warned, if you say yes I will do everything in my power to keep you happy, please you and protect you. So, will you (Y/N) (L/N), be my 'girlfriend'?" He winks, acting as though being with him was a bad thing.

You laughed and nodded ecstatically, knowing that the some-what dorky god that was holding you in his arms was yours, and despite him being the god of lies, he would always do right by you, no matter what.


Number one down!!! 922 words in total!!! YAY. 





Stay awesome guys!!!


Loki & Tom Hiddleston ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu