Tom: Bad Habit

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You knew it was wrong, of course it wrong, but he was an addiction to you. You'd always had your head down, concentrating on life, dotting your i's and crossing your t's, but then you found a stranger. A beautiful, mysterious stranger that made you feel like you had it all.

So here you are, naked in a hotel room in Paris. Next to a man whose name you don't even know, but whose body you knew like a map. He was attractive, you'd give him that. Fierce blue eyes, the colour and depth of the ocean. A strong, sharp jaw, paired with unbearably high cheekbones and lips that were magic. 

You glance over at the stranger, his face soft as he sleeps, his chest and torso exposed; allowing you to see just how toned he is. You felt bad though, you've slept with him countless times, he needed love and you were more than willing, but after everything your feelings were becoming more. He didn't need that, did he? He didn't need another relationship after the hell he was put through. 

You begin to slip out of bed, when you feel his thin, yet strong fingers curl around your wrist. 
"Don't leave. Please don't leave, love." You look down at him, his hair a curled mess, but his sincere eyes startle you. He looked lost, hurt, perhaps even pleading. You sigh and run a hand through your own messy hair, knotted from last night.
"Alright, I'll stay for you.." You drift off and he sits up, his face showing complete and utter shock.
"W-We don't even know each others names! Oh-Oh god I've been such an arse to you. I-I..." He lets out a breath and turns to you, his hand out before him.
"I'm Tom, Tom Hiddleston. Just call me Tom, love." You take his hand gently and shake it, a small smile on your lips.
"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to finally know your name, it helps." He lets out a light laugh and runs a large hand through his hair.

"Well then, (Y/N), I'd like to get breakfast. You're coming with me, I like your company." He smirks and stands pulling on the clothing he brought with him. You stand and steal one of his white button ups, pairing it with your jeans.
"Are you inviting me out on a date, Thomas?" He groans and tugs at the button up you've placed on yourself. 
"You could say that love. Now, if you'd like to make it out of this room and go on our first official date, I suggest you stop with the teasing. Please." You laugh softly and pat his chest, going to the bathroom to fix your appearance. 

****Time Skip****

"So, what do you do for a living?" You pause and stare at Tom, a smile playing on your lips.
"I'm a small time actress. I am planning on going to auditions for this new movie, apparently a stupidly hot British actor is going to be a love interest in it." You sip your coffee/tea and smile over at him. He laughs and sips his tea, raising an eyebrow at your statement.
"Any movies I might know he's been in?" You shrug and tap your mug thoughtfully.
"Thor, Avengers, that type of thing. I haven't watched them yet, haven't had the time. Anyway! What do you do?" He smirks and leans forward, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"I work with Thor and the Avengers. I'm also stupidly hot and British." You nearly spat your beverage. "Who knew I'd meet my new coworker by developing a bad habit, huh?" He laughs at your shocked expression and leans back, sipping his tea.

Thank god for bad habits.


This one is quite short, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

Remember to request and comment your thoughts!

-Tiff x

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