Loki: S.H.E.I.L.D

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You had been an agent at S.H.E.I.L.D for almost five years now. Excelling in pretty much everything, you were a force to be reckoned with. It didn't help the you had powers of telekinesis and telepathy. Fighting was a breeze when you could just force your opponent away with a wave of your pinky. Of course you had learnt to fight without it though.

On this very day you were writing up a report for Director Fury when Agent Coulson came barging into your office.
"Agent (L/N), Fury has requested your presence." You look up from your work, about to retaliate when at his leaving form when he yells, "IMMEDIATELY."

~~~~(Fury's office)~~~~

"Agent (L/N), it has come to my attention that you're excelling in our program." Fury leans back and begins evalluating your physical appearance.
"From what I've heard you've even beaten agent Romanoff, is this correct?" You smirk and give your answer with a short nod of your head.
"I've been excelling for five years director. Why're we having this conversation now?" You lean forward, your position one of intrigue and your face telling him to 'cut the bullshit.'

"No beating around the bush with you then." You raise your eyebrow and tap your fingers on the armrest impatiently, the director clears his throat.
"Well agent (L/N), recently we caught a fugitive that was banished here from his home world to... 'Make ammends' and 'learn to appretiate our ways'.

You give him a questioning glance as the door opens and a tall dark haired man steps in.
"Did I miss my que?" He smiles gingerly, but looks as if he owns the room.
"FUCK NO. FURY WHAT THE FUCK." The chair you were sitting on is in splinters after shattering against the wall. Fury's room looks as if a tornado ripped through it, your face concentrated onto the man who brainwashed you and Clint.

Fury's face was void of emotion, his eyes were pleading and Loki... Loki looked terrified.
"YOU! YOU BRAINWASHED ME! YOU MADE ME KILL INNOCCENT PEOPLE!" With every word you advanced on him and with every step he tried to move away.
"YOU MADE ME INTO A MONSTER AGA-" You raise your hand, ready to crush him when a loud voice stops you.
"AGENT (L/N), ENOUGH." You look to Fury to see him with a tranquilizer gun aimed at you. You lower your shaking hand and turn to face him fully.
"You better have a fucking good reason for this Fury."
"Don't I always?"

~~~Time skip~~~

After a very full discussion and a brief recap from both men, you find yourself outside a new apartment with the asgardian-frostgiant-god of mischeif in tow.
Fury had decided that your appartment was too small to accomodate the two of you and so had kindly "asked" Tony to buy it for you. He agreed immediately.

"This is nice..." You breathe out as you take in the veiw from your penthouse appartment. You hear a small scoff behind you and see Loki shaking his head.
"This is nothing compared to Asgard Lady (L/N)." He stepped forward and looked out nostalgically. "Nothing." You glance up at him and shake your head, walking away to grab your bags.
"Just call me (Y/N) for heavens sake. You'll be living with me for a while." You pick up your bags and begin to walk to your room, catching his nod of acceptance from the corner of your eye.

You begin to unpack, realising that most of your belongings were already moved, apart from the clothes that were in your suitcases. Stark had actually done something nice for you, without payment! You finish quickly, using your telekinesis to help along the way.

When you turn to check on Loki you see him standing in the doorway, his face holding a look of shock and wonder.
"You okay Loki?" You wave a hand in front of his face and he snaps out of it, grabbing your hand.
"You can use magic! How? You are a mortal, are you not?" He studdies your hand, moving up to your face, trying to detect any signs of you not being a human.
"I am a mortal," you smile at him awkwardly and push his hands away, "I'm what is considered as a mutant. A human born with remarkable abilities due to mutations in their DNA." He looks at you as if he were thinking and then slowly nods, as if he were accepting your answer.
"That explains it then." You smile and nod, walking out of your room.

"She has magic?! No wonder Fury paired her with me! He needed someone strong, she doesn't even need to touch me to subdue me. I wouldn't hurt her anyway, I... I couldn't. It would break my conditions." Your eyes widen in shock as you realise, you're hearing Loki's thoughts.

"Excuses. You wouldn't hurt her because she is attractive."
"I do not find the mortal attractive! I am a god and she is a wea-"
"She isn't weak, she is more than a mortal. More excuses, god of lies."
"SHUT UP. She is simply here to help me become aware of their customs. THAT. IS. ALL."
"We'll see. I think you like her."

You look up from "reading" the magazine on the bench, to see Loki gazing at you, his eyes clouded. His eyes widen and he stands abruptly when he realises you've caught his staring.

~~~5 months later~~~

"(Y/N)... Oh darling, it's time to wake up~" You wake to Loki gently poking your cheek, a smile on his face as he sits on the floor beside you.
"Good morning Loki." You groan out, checking the time. It's 7:30am. The time in which Loki gets you up everyday.

You roll out of bed slowly and follow Loki into the lounge where you see he's made breakfast.
"Ta-da! You haven't been home lately so... I learnt how to cook. I wanted to do something nice for you." Loki scratches the back of his neck and blushes slightly. You smile and give him a hug, giving him a small peck on the cheek as thanks.
"This is wonderful! Thank you Loki." You sit down and pat the seat next to you, a smile plastered on your face; one that he shares.

And in that moment you both have the same thought.

"Thank gods for Fury and S.H.E.I.L.D. Thank gods I met you."

Yo, what's up! 1078 words!! Dear gods. I hope you liked this one! Remember, requests are open~

-Tiff xx

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