Tom: My stars.

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The stars. Tom had always be infatuated with them, ever since a young age he had adored gazing into the night sky on a clear night.

When Tom first met you, it was on a night much like this. In the very park that he sat in, on this very day. Your anniversary, that's what you called it.

He had been watching the stars that night too, lost in thought much like now.

Tom strolled down the path, towards the spot by the lake. He always sat there when he needed to clear his head, it was the best place to see the stars from.

He watched them twinkle, shimmering as if they were individual diamonds that had been placed up there, on display for the world. God's finest work.

He watched until he heard a string of colourful profanities reach his ears, waving in from the left. There you were, the contents of your once trusty bad scattered at your feet, your (h/c) hair wildly whipping around you. A halo of hair, fit for an angel.

Tom, although stunned by the sudden appearance of a stranger, scrambled to his feet, helping you gather your things and helping you home.

Tom smiled, god, that memory of you was gold. You were an angel at that moment, sent from the heavens to wake him up, to show him what true love is.

He gazed lazily down at his hand, the gold band glinting on his left hand, signifying your love. He loved that day.

You skipped next to Tom, your boyfriend of two years. He had decided that today's date was to be held at his spot, you were to have a picnic and watch the sun head down, beneath the horizon, before watching the meteor shower that was to happen that night. To say Tom was excited was an understatement.

Tom watched the shower with you, glancing at your awe filled face multiple times during the show.
"Did you enjoy that, love?" He turned to you, watching your eyes light up.
"Yes! Tonight has been amazing Tom, thank you for bringing me to your spot." You had smiled tenderly at him as you both begun packing the picnic away. Tom took a breath, got on one knee and pulled out the velvet box, the key to his future with you.

He watched you turn and almost immediately watched you break down and cry.
"This spot is ours, (Y/n). I want it to be ours."

Tom smiled at the warm memory. He turned and laid the flowers down, wiping away his tears.
"Oh darling, I wish we had more time. The stars could never compare to you. Never." Tom kissed the top of the cool marble, the only physical remnants of you left.
"I miss you my love. My..." He couldn't say it, and so he walked away. A routine he did everyday. Everyday since you died.

Here lies (Y/n) Hiddleston
Devoted wife, mother and daughter.
Age 48
"My stars."

You really were his stars, now nothing seemed as bright. But still, he made you a promise and so everyday he made his way to your place, watched the stars with you and left you flowers.

Every single day.

Until, he too, joined the stars.



Sorry! Don't kill me!

I love you guys, sorry this one hurt so bad.

REMEMBER: Requests are open. Come, I'll write you something special!


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