Tom: A Lack of Colour

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It had been years since Tom had seen you, you two had been close until he started to gain popularity in the acting industry. You had left once he'd gotten the role of Loki, discouraged by his inability to balance his work life and you. It hurt him, he had told you not to worry, that he'd always be there for you and you were always a part of his spectrum of life.

Eventually he had noticed you were becoming more and more self conscious, comparing yourself to a lot of his coworkers and women in magazines. He would always reassure you, you were better, they would never make him feel the way that you do, but still you continued. Eventually you were gone and he was left alone, left wondering why everything seemed so dull after you had left.

There was a lack of colour in his life and a warmth that had once hung around him had dulled a little more. He missed everything about you, the smile you made when he told a corny joke, your laugh that brightened a room in an instant, he missed you. Your undeniable warmth and love, your messiness that added some interest into his life. He was missing it all.

So he strolled along the cold, snowy streets of London, coffee in hand as he headed to his favourite park. The one he'd met you at. He hadn't come to the park in a while, afraid of the memories and feelings that would claw at him if he did and though they did he still walked through the park. He felt as though he had travelled back in time, a time before he'd felt the emptiness that accompanied losing you. After walking for almost an hour he came across a bench that looked out onto the lake, it was shadowed by willow trees and was framed by a bed of flowers that surrounded it. He smiled solemnly and walked over to the bench, taking a seat on the hardwood and although it wasn't the most comfortable he felt at peace in that moment. Taking in the scenery and inhaling deep breaths of the chilly winter air, it was calming and for once he felt content. 

Tom was soon snapped out of his soothing mind frame by someone sitting beside him, he chose to ignore them though. Usually he wouldn't be this rude, but he'd finally found a moment of peace in his hectic lifestyle and was not going to let anyone take that away from him. 
"Jeez, and here I was thinking you'd be a little happy to see me." He'd recognise that voice anywhere, it was the voice of his dreams. The haunting remains of a lover lost. 

His deep blue eyes shot open to meet your (e/c) ones. You were here, next to him in the spot you had first met. He was shocked, you had come back.
"(Y/n)?" He nearly choked on your name, his heart trying to leap from his chest and up his throat.
"Hey Thomas, long time no see, huh?" After the words had left your mouth he practically tackled you into an embrace, his strong arms wrapping around you and holding you as close as physically possible. You were laughing, it sounded like the sweetest music he'd ever heard, so he started to cry. Not the ugly sobbing crying, no, these were tears of joy. Of relief. Of love. 

"I missed you so terribly (Y/n), I haven't stopped thinking of you since the day you left." He had spoken so softly that you were sure you hadn't heard correctly. He felt you pull away and look up into his face, a mixture of sadness and shock in your expression.
"You missed me?" He nodded gently and stroked your hair, a far away look in his eyes.

"Every moment of every day since you left." Tears had begun to slide down your face, you hadn't realised how much you meant to him, he wanted you to stay and you left him. You hurt him. You felt guilty.

"Would you be open to becoming a part of my life again? It hasn't been right without you in it." Tom gave you a radiant smile as you nodded in answer.
"Well, there's a lot to catch up on then! Does lunch sound okay? On me of course." You giggled as Tom wiped away your tears.
"Lunch sounds perfect, Thomas."

And just like that, there was colour again and it was beautiful.

This time he swore he'd give you a reason to stay, he needed your light in his life.


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