Tom: Hey Kids.

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Your relationship with Tom was a chaotic one; it always ended with one thing. Sex.

The premise of your relationship was simple: friends who had known each other forever, who just so happened to screw around when the time came.

On this particular chilly Saturday evening you sat in your armchair, a good book in one hand and a warm drink in the other. A thick, fluffy blanket wrapped around the lower half of your body as the small fireplace provided you with much needed warmth. The landscape outside your second-story flat was littered with the icey substance known as snow; it's white surface glistening under the street lamps that lined the streets. 'Peaceful' was the first word that sprang into your mind, next was 'tranquil'. You sipped tentatively on your heated beverage, it's warmth settling in your chest, coiling around and making it's home.

Your mind began to drift, lost in your book and the calm atmosphere that surrounded you; like a mother's hug, it was warm, inviting and comfortable. That was until it was shattered. The sound of your lock clicking open and a coat being hung up was what disturbed you, a hum of a tune under his breath as he made his way down the hall, towards you; then his face came into view. His baby blues met your own eyes and he smiled as if it was natural for him to be here.
"Hello, Love." He strode into the room as if he owned it, looking as if he belonged in the space that you called your home as he sat on the lounge that was placed beside your chair.

"Tom," you closed your half finished book, placing it on the wooden corner table; under the lamp that helped light the dimly lit room.
"What's brought you here? Normally you text before you stop by." You spoke with an even voice as he watched you, his hand under his chin; arm propped up on the rest.

"I was nearby and thought I'd say hello. I brought pasta as an offering." You had failed to notice the white plastic bag that sat on your coffee table, it's contents making you aware of your need for food. He gave you a pleasant smile and stood, scooping the bag up into his large hands.
"I'll serve us some plates, you can stay here." With that he strode out of the room and towards the kitchen, a smile on his face the whole time.

You sat there, confused. Normally you would be in your room by now or wherever he could get you, rolling around in a lust filled haze. This was different. This was strange.
"Tom?" You slowly stood, taking sluggish steps to the kitchen.

"Yes, Love?" His eyes met yours as you entered, clear and bright. So, he wasn't drunk. You took a seat on one of the bar stools and watched as he got the food ready.

"What do you want? Well- What did you do?" He paused, his eyes flicking up from the pasta and scanning over your face before continuing to work on dinner. He was nervous.

"Can't I just do something nice for you?" He focused on the food, busying himself before speaking again.
"I just want to do something nice for you, love." His voice was soft, his eyelids low and heavy, like leather bags. You were a little frustrated, you wanted answers, not deflection. He planned this, obviously, so what did he want from you. Why was he acting so strange? Why was he here-

"(Y/n)?" You look up at Tom to see he's finished, two plates of pasta in his hands. "Are you alright, Love? You seem a bit distracted."

"Stop calling me Love, Tom. You don't call me that." Your tone had changed, you were fed up with him acting like this was fine and that this was normal for you. "You don't do things like this. You only see me when you need me, when you want something. So what are you doing here?" He looked taken aback, stunned at the sudden change.

"I- (Y/n)." He put the plates down and walked around the counter, taking your hands. "Is that how you feel? Love- I mean, (Y/n), you mean the world to me, I love you. I just thought that maybe this time I would try something different. I'm Sorry if I've upset you." He looked down at you sincerely, guilt pouring from his expression. You pulled you hands away, instead taking the plate he had put down.

"Thank you for your honesty." You laughed under your breath as you took a bite of the pasta, it's rich flavours filling your senses. You glanced up at Tom to see him shocked, once again.

"(Y/n). I just confessed that I love you, you heard me, right Love?" He grabbed his plate and sat on the stool beside you, though it was a bit small for his long legs. You gave him a nod and continued to eat, feeling a lot more satiated than before. You hadn't realised how hungry you were.
"Do you have a reply to my confession?" You looked at the tall, handsome man that sat beside you and smiled. You have had a reply to this for a while, but now you could actually say it.

"I like you too, Thomas." He chuckled and pulled you in, smothering you in his long arms.

"I've told you, Love. It's just Tom." He smiled down at you with affectionate eyes and placed a tender kiss on your lips. One that didn't last long, but would replay in your mind for a while. This was new, this had new feelings behind it.

"So, what does this make us?" You questioned, unsure of what his answer would be. You felt his arms tighten and he lifted you to sit on his knee, cuddled into him.

"I guess this, in my eyes, would make us an item, Love. Unless you'd prefer things to stay the same?" You sat there, in his arms, eating the food he had obviously cooked before coming over, thinking about your experiences together. You knew what you wanted.

"I think moving forward is the best thing, I want to be with you." Tom's arms tightened and he placed a kiss on your head.

"That's all I wanted to here, my Love."

Hello! I hope you're all staying safe in these times, I know I am!

I will try to post more, so keep an eye on that.

Also, I'm finally in a relationship with the man of my dreams 😁

Ciao for now, dolls!


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