1 ~ selcouth

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selcouth(adj); unfamiliar, rare, strange and yet marvellous

y/n pov:

it was 9am and i was patiently waiting in a meeting room for my dad and my new group's manager to come in. i asked my dad if he could come and of course he said yes as he knows i'm very shy. i was fidgeting with the bracelet that my granny made my brother and i. it's a habit i tend to do when i'm
nervous. they were coming to tell me about my new group. i can't wait to finally meet my group and work together to debut. i am very shy but my brother always says once people get to know me i'm the complete opposite.

my brother is also meeting his group today so a girl group and a boy group will be debuting within the next year which means-

my thoughts were interrupted when my dad and a middle aged man came into the room. i stood up and bowed saying hello. they both sat down across from me, my dad giving me a reassuring smile.

"hi my name is kim hwan dong, nice to finally meet you. i've heard nothing but good things about you" i smiled and looked at my dad who was also smiling at me. "nice to meet you too. i'll do my best to make you proud" i replied.
we talked for a small bit about my age, skills and medical conditions.

"so, y/n, today you will be meeting the rest of your band members. there is 9 of them, so 10 of you in total. they have been a group together for a short time but i'm sure you'll fit right in. dont let the fact they no each other put you off" he said. this shocked me as i wasn't expecting so many of us. i'm not good with meeting new people so this scared me a lot as there will be so many girls to get to know, and since they all know each other that means they're probably cliquey. i really hope they're nice. "y/n...?" my dad snapped me out of my thoughts. "oh! yes sorry, i was just thinking about how....excited i am about my new group" i smiled, slightly lying. i was excited but at the same time i could feel the anxiety building up in me. our manager smiled and checked his watch. "OH! y/n we have to bring you to meet the members soon. since were done here we should go now. there's nothing wrong with being first there" he said while my dad nodded in agreement.

we walked to one of the practice rooms in silence and we didn't want to disturb anyone else's meetings or any practicing going on. my dad opened the door letting us in. me and my manager say the the sofa in the corner. "i'll go find the other members. i'll be back in a few minutes" my dad said closing the door behind him.

"how's the new house, y/n?" my manager asked. "it's really good so far. its really nice. i'm starting online school in august" i said. "there is 4 other students so don't worry you'll all struggle together" he said. hearing this made me smile as he understands a student and trainees struggle. "are the other girls nice?" i asked. "wait...y/n did your father not tell you?" he said looking worried. "tell me what? is there something wron-" i was interrupted by the door opening to reveal my dad with 9 others.



chapter 1 is done! thank you for reading. if you have any requests pls comment them ❤️

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