19 ~ quatervois

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quatervois(n); a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one's life

1 week later

y/n's pov

the past week had just been all of us non-stop practising and practising. we had very little breaks as we wanted this performance to be perfect. i was living off of 2 hours sleep each night, which wasn't the healthiest option but it had to be done. i also lost a lot of weight as we had barely any time to eat. it was quick snack in the morning then practice then a quick snack after practice then sleep and repeat.

it was the wednesday of the performance; our last shot of debuting. we had prepared for this as if it was our last performance ever. which it could've been.

we all woke up bright and early before dawn. the skies of the winter mornings were dark and gloomy. everyone would be quiet as we all lacked energy. it was our last day of practice though so we wanted to make the most of it.

once we arrived we warmed up and stretched. "guys today at exactly 6pm we will be taking our last shot at having a chance to debut together. i want everyone to understand that we're a band, we're a team. actually no. we're a family. and families stick together through thick and thin. so i need everyone to put in the effort. it'll all be so worth it in the end. is that clear?" chan spoke up as we stretched. we nodded our heads as a response. "STRAY KIDS FIGHTING!!!!" we all yelled and cheered before the real practice started.

~5:58~outfit 2nd picture

"ok guys we're on in 2 minutes. so just remember to go out there and do your best, entertain, and most importantly have fun. jyp will be looking at our reactions with the audience and how we interact with them. so smile, be yourself and relax a little. we're all in this together, right?" chan said while we group huddled together. "hands in" i said as i put my right hand in the centre of our huddle. everyone mimicked me. "1..2.." chan started "STRAY KIDS" we all yelled.

"ok guys it's time to go on the stage" the stage manager said to us. we all walked up the steps onto the darkened stage. a spotlight was on jyp. that wasn't intimidating at all.

the lights switched on. cheers we're heard from the audience, majority of them being girls. the music began and i heard seungmin begin to sing. all went well from there. my part was straight after seungmin's opening. my verse went shockingly well. as i was kneeling on the floor with the boys surrounding me, i felt protected and i knew i could do anything i dreamed of. these boys give me so much confidence.

the rest of my lines were me harmonising with the others during the chorus. the ending was just around the corner. while moving to the centre of the stage, i anticipated the crowd's reaction as i looked up to the ceiling.

i heard cheers, clapping, shouting and even whistling. i was so relieved. as we looked up i had a clear view of jyp. he seemed satisfied with our performance, even he was clapping and nodding slowly. that out a lot of weight off my chest.

we ran off to the backstage. we had s long group hug afterwards along with congratulations from each other and the crew of the backstage. "ok guys this is the last episode of your show as well, i want to interview you all now and after the final decision" the producer of our show called us. we nodded and said thank you. "y/n i'll take you with me, boys please join up with another questionnaire beside me" she said gesturing towards the 9 men and women beside her. she spun around on her feet and began to walk.i followed right behind her into a room with cameras and microphones set up with an empty chair located in the centre, with a backdrop behind it.

stray kids | 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now