27 ~ eesome

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eesome(adj); pleasing to the eye

y/n's pov

time skip- may 2nd

it was 8am when i arrived at the dance practise. i had about half hour before hyunjin would show up because he had slept in and i was kind of early myself. i was scrolling through my phone before an idea sprung through my mind, metaphorically creating a light bulb above my head. i went onto the vlive app and hovered my finger over the "go live" button. after fixing my appearance in the mirror, i pressed it.

it wasn't long before thousands of people joined, most of them making there ways to school or work. "hello everyone" i spoke "i'm waiting for another member to show up before i start practicing and i got lonely so i wanted to talk to you guys" i said while smiling and everyone saying hello. i giggled at the comments.

"i'm only going to be here for a small bit. what do you guys want me to do? i can show you guys some of my dancing or i can answer some questions?" i said while thinking about what content i should provide the fans with.

bold- y/n
italics - comment

oh everyone it's may 2nd! that's bambams birthday! everyone go spread the word and wish him a happy birthday!

ahhh i love bambam
bambam is the best *dabs*
y/n do you like bambam?

i've never met bambam.. well technically i have, but, we've never had an actual conversation. we've introduced ourselves with our groups and we've seen each other around the company grounds but never had an actual conversation.

ahhhh so lucky
i love bambam

i've always looked up to bambam, the other members all know how much i idolise him. as he is a young, talented, funny, kind person, i've always looked up to i'm and want to be like him. i know it sounds ridiculous since i'm a girl, but it's true.

y/n and bambam collaboration?
stray kids and got7 should make a song that would be so cool

some comments are saying a collab with bambam and got7 *giggle*. to be completely honest, it would be a real dream of mine to collab and work with bambam and got7. *hits blunt* ohh my goddd imagine..... that would beinsane. anyways! everyone go wish him a happy birthday!!

who's your favourite member?
do you like any members ;)
which member is your favourite?

guys a lot of you are asking about my favourite member. don't be mean please respect every member equally just like i do.

are you and minho close?

minnie and i have always been close. growing up together we were never apart. we went to the same schools. obviously i love him even though he's a pain.

y/n sing!
where's the other members,,
dance for us!

people are asking for singing and dancing. i can show you guys a cover or worth it i did as a trainee?

worth it!
go y/n yes please

read next two paragraphs before watching video

(go to 7:02)

i got up and went to play the song on the computer. i began to dance and i could slightly see the comments flying in with a lot of hearts soaring at the side of my phone. i smiled while dancing.

all of a sudden, the door opened. hyunjin walked in and stood at the door after closing it and waited be to finish. "hyunjin join in" i yelled over the loud music. he dropped his bag and quickly joined in the dance, remembering the dance moves from ages ago. (7:22 of the video) once we finished the dance, we sat on the ground in front of my phone.

"hello everyone" hyunjin said cutely to the fans. the comments went mad. i blushed at some of the comments which said stuff like "hyunjin & y/n look so cute together!" or "ship name". "what were you doing before i came" hyunjin asked. "i was answering their questions" i smiled while reading more comments. we continued to talk to the fans and answered some questions.

i think we should start practicing hyunjin, it's 8:45" i said sadly. "awwww, goodbye everyone i hope you enjoyed" he said and waved to the camera. i waved as well before saying "we'll try and do more of these. goodbye everybody!" and with that, we ended the live. "our fans are really something" he said shaking his head. "what do you mean" i said before putting my phone in my bag. "those comments" he said while blushing. i caught on what he was trying to say. "aaah yes, they really are something aren't they." i rhetorically asked. he just nodded along and took our his phone and set it up towards us. "to record our progress of the choreo" he smiled before turning to me. we were making the choreography for my pace, our title song.

we started to brainstorm ideas and put them together. after a lot of thought after five hours, we finally came up with a general idea. "let's try from the beginning of the song" i said while pressing play. we went through the dance and all seemed perfect until hyunjins second part. looking at his face while he did it was just.... let's just say it was amusing. his sweaty forehead caused his hair to stick to it. it was kind of sexy? i continued the dance, shaking of those thoughts. we finished up afterwards so we left at around 2pm

-time skip- -dorm-

the two of us walked into the dorm to see chan bin coming out on the kitchen. "oh hey guys" he beamed. "how far did you get with the choreo?" he asked while walking to the living space. we followed him and sat down. "we pretty much finished it we just need to adjust it for 9 people" i said while taking hyunjins phone and unlocking it to show chan the video. hyunjin protested and tried to get his phone back.

i went into his camera roll to look for the video. milliseconds before i pressed the video, it felt like everything went into slow motion. i saw two specific photos. one being a picture of a shirtless hyunjin taking a mirror selfie in his bathroom. abs. abs. abs. abs. abs. abs. the second picture however, was a picture of me sleeping on hyunjins shoulder in the car, probably on our way home from a stage performance or something.

chan called the rest of the guys in and i connected hyunjins phone to our smart tv. the video appeared on the screen and i pressed play. all the guys seemed impressed. hyunjins part came up again and i couldn't help but be in awe at his moves. "haha y/n, looks like you forgot the moves for this part" seungmin joked. i laughed it off and we all continued to watch.

"well done you two, tomorrow we can go over it as a whole group" chan praised us after the video ended. he thanked him and everyone left the room while clapping. i gave hyunjin back his phone. "i know what you saw" he cheekily whispered while walking by with a smirk on his face. "what do you mean?" i tried to hide the fact i saw a shirtless hyunjin picture. "hmm don't lie" he hummed before walking away all confidentially. i shook my head slowly before going into my room. minho was in the shower so i had no one to talk to.

i lay on my bed and began to think to myself. "hyunjin has been acting weird lately. minho claims that he likes me, but he's changed. oh no what if he knows i like him! wait! no! y/n you don't like hyunjin. stop that. don't think that. he's your band mate. but... he is very attractive, and talented, and cute, and friendly, and kind, and funny, and caring, and veeerryyy huggable. don't get my started on those lips. big and plump- OH MY GOD Y/N WHAT ARE YOU SAYING???" i ranted in my head. "do i like hyunjin?" i asked myself. "maybe i do...."


stray kids | 9th memberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon