party au with a plot twist

Start from the beginning

Brown hair and blue eyes with short, dark chocolate hair. He smiles at him and Keith gulps down.

"It's fine. You alright though? You look a little...distressed."

Keith feels his throat get dry. "I, uh, was just about to leave."

"Leave?" He tilts his head in confusion like a puppy, "Why?"

Keith shrugs, "The party sucks."

The person raises his eyebrow, a chuckle escaping his plump lips that Keith wants take between his teeth.

"Oh? I thought it was pretty okay."

Keith laughes and the boy smiles wider. "Okay? This is far from okay. For one, the songs could be a little better? Who listens to EDM? Put on music where people can sing along to." He looks at the sofas in the sides of the room. "Sofas? Why would anyone want to sit in a party? I mean this one's really boring so I know why they're all sitting down. The host should really put up games."

The boy laughs, throwing his head back. "You really don't like this party, do you?"

Keith crosses his arms. "Yes. I think the one who made this sucks ass."

"What's your name?"


"I'm Lance."

Leith's makes a silent Oh sound with his lips. That's a pretty name. He says it again in his mind. Lance. He wants to say it out loud.

"Well maybe I can get you a drink to distract you from how bad the party is?" The boy offered, a smile always on his lips.

Refusing him was hard, Keith realizes. He wants to go home and sleep, but the smiling boy in front of him is making him change his mind. And when he offers his hand for Keith to take, the thought of going home flies out the window and he finds himself being dragged across the massive crowd of bodies.

He leads him inside the kitchen and closes the door behind them. Immediately, the sound of the loud music and people laughing and talking tones down and with the new quiet atmosphere and new lighting, Keith can see the boy's features perfectly and damn he was indeed attractive.

Lance hands him a cup, the same one he keeps seeing tonight and he frowns, looking up to him.

"Don't worry. It's not the same 'boring' drink," he grins and Keith nods, taking the cup and drinks it quickly. It tasted sweet and bitter at the same time, warming up his stomach almost immediately.

"Not bad," he says, smirking and giving the cup back to him. Before he knows it, they're drinking their 6th cup and laughing at something Keith can't remember. His head feels light and the boy in front of him is looking more and more attractive every second.

"You know you're really good looking, right?" He says to him.

Lance smiles( why is he always smiling? It's adorable), teeth showing. "People tell me that a lot."

Keith giggles, leaning forward, his head falling forwards. When he lifts it back up, the boy was leaning towards him, his eyes eying his lips.Time seems to go slower (maybe it's the alcohol? Is there alcohol in the drink?) And it's hard to think clearly when he's this close to this fucking pretty boy in front of him, looking at his lips like that. Unconsciously, he licks it slowly, shivering when the boy's blue eyes seemed to darken with the action.

Suddenly he's aware on how hard his heart is beating against his chest and how closer he's leaning. So close he can see the dust of freckles decorating the space under his eyes. So close he can see himself reflecting from the blue eyes. He wants to kiss him.

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now