Chapter 19

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I laid awake in my bed the next night, listening to Ace's consistent breathing as I stared up to the ceiling. He had been asleep for a while but I just couldn't get my mind to shut down. I couldn't stop worrying about what was going to happen. If we were going to fail and get caught, if anybody would even believe us if we got out.

A thought suddenly struck me and I sat up, looking over to my bedside table. I silently pulled it open and pulled out my notebook, flipping to the back to the tiny calendar I had been using to keep track of what the date was. I tilted the book towards the window which was my only source of light and stared at the calendar when I realized what day it was.

Christmas eve.

A sad feeling settled in my chest for so many reasons. Christmas was always my favorite holiday.

I stared at the date thinking of all the Christmas memories I had.

For the first time since I had arrived here, I missed home so much that it sent pains through my chest.

I let out a sigh and dug in my drawer, pulling out my small pencil case and grabbing my green highlighter.

I flipped to a blank page and set to work.

After a few minutes, I pulled my notebook back and stared down at it. Smooth lines danced along the paper in the shape of a Christmas tree. I had drawn some ornaments and lights, decorating it like my tree at home.

At the top in big loopy letters was written 'Merry Christmas'. I smiled down at it before looking out the window up to the grey sky. It wasn't snowing but you could tell it was freezing out.

I quietly reached over and placed the notebook propped up on Ace's night stand. It wasn't the best Christmas tree but it would have to do this year.

I settled back into my bed and eventually fell asleep thinking of all the reasons why I would make sure I got out of here. Why I would make sure we all got out of here.


"Morning." I said quietly when Ace woke up to the sound of his alarm. He turned it off and looked back to me, his eyes squinted and face scrunched up.

"You're never up before me." He said sitting up, rubbing at his face sleepily. I Just shrugged and gave him a small smile.

"What?" he asked skeptically and I held in a little laugh. I bit my lip and pointed to his hair that was sticking up at an odd angle. He made a little 'humph' as he reached up and smoothed it down. He went to look up to me again but my notebook on his nightstand caught his eye. He looked at it, his lips parting slightly before looking back over to me.

"Merry Christmas." I said softly and the corners of his lips turned up.

"Is it actually?" he asked and I nodded.

"Well merry Christmas then." He said and I smiled at him.

"Get in the Christmas spirit, I'm pretty sure dry oatmeal is on the menu for breakfast today." I joked standing up from my bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Christmas feast." He joked and I let out a laugh before stepping in and shutting the door.


I sat on the floor next to my nightstand facing Ace's bed and leaning up against mine. He had quickly run to go give Logan his hoodie back that he had left in our room earlier.

Why I was on the floor? No clue.

The door opened and I looked up to see Ace stepping in. He shut the door and looked to me with a confused look.

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