Chapter 15

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A week later and everything was pretty much back to normal.

I stepped out of the bathroom, my hair wet, dripping down onto my shirt occasionally. I glanced around the room to see Ace still missing. I guess he had physical therapy a few times a week so that's where he had been going.

I walked around the foot of my bed to go get something out of the closet but stopped when my vision blurred.

I didn't have time to react before I was sent to the ground, my eyes rolling to the back of my head and muscles tensing up. Panic surged through my chest as I fell, knowing nobody would catch me.

My mind fogged as painful surges made their way through my body. It felt like it lasted forever, time feeling slowed down as I struggled to come out of it. Every time it started to calm it came back 10 times worse.

Tears streamed down my face, knowing there wasn't anything I could do. My fingers felt ice cold and face stung.

What felt like hours later, I felt hands on me as soon as I started to come out of it. I let out a sob as I started to regain feeling again, everywhere except in my left hand.

I cried, my vision starting to come back but I was still panicking, not quite knowing what was going on. I felt someone pull me up to their chest as I shook.

I heard whispers of a voice, my breaths coming out in quick short puffs.

"You're okay, I've got you." I heard and I looked up to see Aces worried face looking down to me. I was half propped up against him, his hands running down my arms, his shirt wet from my hair.

My vision blurred again slightly, my head feeling light.

"Come on Charlotte." He said putting his hand on the back of my head but I couldn't respond, my mind not working with my mouth.

Darkness took over my sight as my thoughts slowed, pulling me under.


I started to come back, feeling a throbbing pressure in my head. It took me a minute but I finally peeled my eyes open, thankful that the room I was in was dark.

"Hey." I heard a voice to my right say and I twisted my head to see Ace sitting in a chair next to the bed I was in.

"Hey." I said, my voice sounding raspy.

"They put you under to do all of the tests so you're going to feel like crap. They didn't want you waking up half way through and freaking out." He said and I nodded slowly.

I slowly sat up, Ace putting his hand out to make sure I was alright.

"Water?" he asked and I nodded. He handed me a cup and I drank about half of it, already feeling better as I woke up more.

"Watch out there Ace, you're almost looking like you actually care about me." I joked and his lips turned up as he fought a smile.

"Yeah well if something happened to you they would probably get me a new roommate and I don't think I would be able to handle anyone more annoying than you." He said trying to sound serious but failing.

"Ouch, that one hurts right here." I said placing a hand over my heart.

The door opened making us both turn and look to see a man in a white coat coming in, the same man from the last time I was here.

"How are you feeling?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Fine, head is killing me though." I said with a small smile and the doctor let out a small laugh as Ace looked to me with a worried look on his face.

"Your Migraine meds are on their way over here now." The doctor said and I nodded.

"Well, you hit your head pretty good this time. We did tests and you had some odd brain activity but it calmed down. Nothing to worry about right now." The doctor said and I nodded.

Somebody pushed the door open, coming in with my medication. They handed it to me and I thanked them before taking it.

"Were going to send somebody up in a little bit to bring you back to your room." The doctor said before nodding at me and exiting the room after the person who brought up my medication.

"Charlotte?" Ace asked and I turned to him with a little 'hm'.

"Is this something you were born with or...?" he trailed off and a heavy feeling settled in my stomach.

"Uh- No. it happened about 2 years ago." I said and he nodded.

"How?" he asked and I gave him a small forced smile.

"Hit my head really hard. It caused my brain to swell and I had to have surgery. They basically had to take a chunk of my skull out to relieve the pressure. Here." I said grabbing his hand and bringing it up to the back of my head.

I navigated his fingers to there the scar was. I lightly rested my finger tips on his wrist as he felt along it, a sad look on his face.

"Is that what the hand thing is from too?" he asked, bringing his hand down and resting it on the edge of the bed.

"Huh?" I asked, confused as to how he knew. Nobody ever really noticed.

"I notice a lot of little things. Been detail oriented since I was a kid." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, its from that. It used to be worse but physical therapy helped. Wasn't able to get it back to how it used to be though." I said flexing my left hand, not being able to even close It all the way.

"How did you hit your head?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"I was pushed down the stairs." I said and his eyes went wide.

"What?" he asked, a tic forming in his jaw as he clenched it.

"Uh- the- the people at my school didn't really like me. It went a little too far one day." I said and his face darkened.

"Someone did it on purpose? Who?" he asked and I looked down.

"Just some kid. I moved schools after that though." I said, not mentioning that it didn't really stop at my new school.

I looked to him to see him glaring down at the edge of the bed. I poked his finger and he looked up to me.

"Its fine, it's in the past." I said and he gave me a 'what the hell' look.

"Its not fine they-" he started but I put my hand up and put it on his face, pushing him back slightly. I let out a laugh at his face when I brought my hand back as he gave me a disbelieving look.

He shook his head at me, humor in his eyes and I smiled at him, and this time it wasn't forced.

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