Chapter 5

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The next morning, the alarm clock on Ace's nightstand went off to wake us up, surprising us both.

The day passed slowly. At breakfast I had asked for my migraine medication when I was getting my other meds and she gave me a single pill. When I got to the end of my meal, I slipped the little plastic baggie out of my pocket and put the pill in it, pocketing it quickly. When I looked back up to the table, I glanced at Ace who was sitting next to me to see the corners of his lips turned up the slightest bit. I held in my own smile and listened to the conversation, adding a few things every once in a while.

The rest of the day up until dinner consisted of pretty much the same stuff as the day before except with more tests to 'figure out where we were mentally'. Ace had gotten called out and was missing for about an hour before he returned. I glanced down to the slight drag in his step and looked up to him curiously but being Ace, he just ignored me and sat back down to continue his work.

A while later, I finally plopped down at the table that was starting to become our usual with my dinner.

"Prison food is actually pretty good." Camilla said and I let out a soft laugh.

"You're not in prison." I said before starting to eat.

"Might as well be." She huffed before turning to Logan.

"They took like half of my belongings, Can you believe that?" She asked exasperated and he nodded.

"They took my stuff too, you're not the only one." He replied and everyone else nodded, thinking back to all their missing items.

"So, we should make a bet." Henry said after a while of us eating in silence.

"What kind of bet?" I asked looking up to him.

"Who do you think is going to get in trouble first?" He asked and everyone thought for a second.

"Camilla." I said and she gasped putting a hand over her heart.

"I'm wounded you would think such a thing." She said making my lips stretch into a grin.

"I say Camilla too." Callie said and she laughed.

"I don't know whether to be offended or honored." She said and Henry laughed.

"A little of both." He said and she nodded slowly, pursing her lips slightly.

"Well I say Logan." Camilla announced confidently.

"Honestly probably but just for the hell of it I'm going to say Charlotte." Logan said and my head shot up to him.

"Why me?" I asked with wide eyes and he just smirked.

"I don't know man, you've just got something in your eyes." he said sarcastically and I shook my head.

"Well I say Ace." Henry said and for the first time in the conversation, Ace paused his eating and looked up to henry with raised brows.

"He's got that whole tall dark and broody thing going' on. He gives off 'if you touch me I'll murder your ass' vibes." He said holding his hands up with a laugh.

I looked over to Ace with a smile, trying to hold in my laugh and he looked over to me with a funny look on his face. I slowly reached over and poked his shoulder to which he just gave me a blank look to while Camilla gasped.

"She touched him, oh my God she's going to die!" She joked and my laugh finally bubbled out. He shook his head before reaching forward and taking a drink of his water.

"Are you going to murder me Ace?" I asked letting my head roll to the side. He looked back over to me and gave a little shrug, the corners of his lips twitching ever so slightly. I let out another laugh as he turned back to his food and continued eating.

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