Chapter 6

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I started to wake up slowly, my mind still in a half sleep state.

I was pulled further out of my sleep and wrapped myself tighter into my blanket, tucking my face into my arm.

I heard a voice talking but ignored it, not wanting to get up and get out of bed.

"Charlotte." I heard a deep voice say quietly.

I heard it again and this time my arm was nudged. I let out a soft groan and pulled the blanket up over my head.

"You need to get up if you want to make it to breakfast." I heard the voice say again and I recognized it as Ace's. I rubbed my eyes before pulling the blanket down and looking over. He was standing by my bed, looking down at me.

"Okay." I said quietly and I was surprised he even heard me. I guess he was content with that answer because he turned around and plopped down on his bed.

It took me a few minutes, but I eventually got up, shivering slightly from the loss of the warmth the blanket brought me. I looked to the clock and decided I had enough time for a quick shower before we had to head down. I gathered my clothes and stepped into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When I stepped out, I was way more awake then I had been just 10 minutes before. Ace and I made our down to the dining hall, me still slightly dragging behind, my limbs still not quite wanting to actually move.

I got my food and split off from Ace to get my medication. I asked for another migraine med like yesterday and casually slipped it into my pocket.

"Morning." I said as I made it to our table. I got a chorus of mumbles and a morning back. Callie and Camilla had their heads down on the table with their food pushed forward while Logan had his head propped up on his hand, eating sleepily. Henry on the other hand was wide eyed and smiling as he munched happily on some apple slices.

"I see someone's a morning person." I joked and Henry gave a crooked smile.

"Huh, so you do catch onto obvious things every once in a while." He said with a laugh and I shook my head.

"Shut up, I could beat you down if I wanted." I said taking a few blueberries and tossing them into my mouth.

"Let's not have any fights quite yet after yesterday." Logan said switching hands.

"Yeah, I don't think that would be a very good idea." I said and Henry nodded. Ace's eyes looked up and I glanced to the side at him to see him already looking at me. He looked back down to his food and I continued my conversation with the boys.

"I wonder what happened to them." Logan said and I shrugged.

"They probably killed them." Camilla mumbled, her head still down on her table.

"I wouldn't doubt it." Logan said and I shook my head at them.

"They wouldn't kill them for a little fight. Well, I mean I hope they wouldn't kill them for anything but..." I trailed off, a small crease forming in between my eyebrows.

"We are in a forest, they could just burry the body and It probably wouldn't ever be found." Henry said and Logan nodded.

"We could be surrounded by dead bodies right now." Logan added and I just listened, humor dancing in my eyes.

"If you two don't shut up I'm going to add two more to the body count." Callie mumbled and I laughed.

"Crap, we've angered her. If she starts throwing punches I'm offering you as a sacrifice." Logan said and Henry's eyes went wide.

"You can't do that! I can't see which direction she's coming from, you're really going to take advantage of the disabled like that?" Henry jokingly exclaimed and Logan quickly replied.

"I'm disabled too, remember?" he said and Henry laughed. He opened his mouth to reply but paused as Logan froze.

"She's looking at us isn't she." Henry whispered loudly, putting his hand up to direct it to Logan.

"Yep." Logan said quietly and I looked over to Callie who was glaring at the two. She dropped her eyes and looked to her food to start picking at it, the two boys relaxing slightly but keeping the weary looks on their faces.

Callie may look innocent but I have no doubt she wouldn't hesitate to put those two in her place.

And I definitely wouldn't stop her.


After breakfast we were directed back into the same room we had been going to for the last few days. They started calling names and taking people out of the room so I figured it was for more testing.

The group, minus me and Ace walked over to the board game shelf to see what they had so I turned to Ace who was leaning up against the wall like usual.

"Hey Ace?" I asked and he glanced at me. I hesitated for a second before continuing.

"Why are you here?" I asked curiously and he glanced over again.

"Because this is where they told us all to go." He said and I sighed.

"You know what I mean." I said and I saw his jaw clench slightly.

"Because I'm a delinquent like everyone else here." he said sarcastically and I frowned.

"But why are you here specifically?" I asked emphasizing 'here'. "Everyone here has some sort of medical thing going on, what's up with you?" I asked and his demeaner darkened, making me immediately regret asking.

"Its none of your business." He bit out and I nodded quickly.

"Sorry." I said and he just continued to stare forward.

The group come back with a board game and sat down, talking and joking with each other. I stared at the side of Aces head for a second longer before turning to them. They set up the game then started passing out pieces.

"Are you playing?" Camilla asked Ace and I cringed slightly at his answer.

"No." He bit out before standing up and making his way to the bathrooms. I watched him walk away, feeling bad that I had even asked.

"Are you playing Charlotte?" Henry asked and I paused.

"Sure." I said with a small smile before grabbing my pieces.

"Alright, so how do we play?"

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