Fifth Letter

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My dear love,

After my past was revealed, we were practically-no, we were definitely inseperable.
We we're together almost everyday, and Even though you only saw me as your new best friend, or a younger sister, which broke my heart, I was very thankful to have you by my side.

You did everything in your power on a daily basis to make me smile and help me work on my confidence and acceptance of who I was. You did anything to make me smile, or feel good about myself.

I tried to return the favor, and make you feel good too, but when it came to trying to raise your confidence, I struggled. I didn't know how to raise my own confidence, let alone someone else's. I tried to make you happy, but it was hard when my own happiness was trapped in the back of my mind.

I wanted to see you smiled. I wanted to be happy and smiled. Not for myself, but because I knew that's what you wanted.

And I realized that there was only one way I could be completely happy, and make you happy at the same time. And for once I felt like I had enough confidence to take a chance.

So I did. I went for it.

My Dear, Love...✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora