Twenty-fifth Chapter

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Y/N P.O.V.

And thus, came the day you'd meet your fate. You and Jimin have been talking for the past two weeks, but barely. You had conversations here and there, and hug out on some occasions, and today, you both decided to go to Jimin's house. 

The other members were going to be there, as it was Jimin's idea to have a small get together. You tried to tell him you couldn't make it but he wouldn't take no as an answer. You were worried.

Jimin said he had yet to tell the other members that he forgave you, and you weren't sure how they would react. Jimin said they would care, but that only made you feel worse. 

You checked your outfit in the mirror, and took a deep breath. You tried to look nice, but also casual. You didn't want to over dress and seem like you were showing off, but you didn't want to look like you were under dressed.

You did a once over, one last time, and grabbed your shoes and coat. Once you were prepared for the outdoors, you grabbed your wallet and went to walk out of your apartment. About to close the door, you remembered something.

"Oh!" you exclaimed, and went back to grab the gift off the table. "Mom always said don't visit someone's house empty handed." You grinned proudly.

After a few minutes, you were sitting on the bus, you head resting against the window. It was no secret that you missed the other members, and wanted so badly for them to forgive you.

You knew that you didn't deserve it, but you were more than ready to apologize from the deepest, darkest, depths of your heart. In a less dramatic way, of course.

The bus pulled to the stop you were waiting for, so you got off, and began to walk the last three blocks to Jimin's larger than average apartment. Once arrived, you walked through the lobby doors.

"May i help you?" You turned your head to the right towards a man standing by the entrance. "Excuse me?" he smiled, "Are you here for the party?" You tilted your head, "I think so. Hosted by Park Jimin?" The man nodded, and flipped through some pages.

"What's your name, dear?" You cleared your throat awkwardly, "Y/F/N." He smiled. "You can go ahead up. Floor 8, apartment number 153." You smiled and bowed, entering the elevator, which coincidentally opened at the perfect time.

You walked to the back, and waited for the door to close but a voice called out, "Hold the elevator!" You quickly stuck out you arm, halting the doors actions. the person entered, panting.

"Thank you so m- Noona? " You looked up confused, "Excuse me?" You looked up at the boy, confused, "Do i know you?" The boy made an offended face, "It's me, Noona. Lee Han Jun"

You face went blank, "Oh. Hi." He smiled, not catching the hint that you didn't want to talk to you. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me, are you here for the party?" you raised a brow, "You're here for the get together?"  

He looked confused, "It's more of a small casual cocktail party to celebrate all of BigHit's achievements, but yeah." You cursed under your breath. Of course Jimin under exaggerated. 

The elevator dinged, making both of you exit, him allowing you to go first. You mumbled a 'thanks' and walked down the hallway. "150..151...152...153." You stopped, and Han Jun reached around you, and knocked.

As you waited, Han Jun swung an arm around your shoulders, "It's great to see you again, Noona. I missed you." You snorted, "I bet." The door opened, revealing Jimin.

The first person he saw was Han Jun. "Yeah. I'm not letting you in my apartment." He went to close the door, but you stopped it with your hand, "Jimin!" 

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