Nineth Chapter

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Y/N P.O.V.

You sighed heavily as you ran yet another errand for Minha. You understood that you were supposed to be shadowing her, but it seemed as though she was making you do more than you had to.

You picked up the pile of seven outfits, with a bit of struggle, there were a lot of clothing articles, and huffed. You felt like a weight lifter. You heard a light chuckle, before some of the clothes were taken from you.

You looked up at the bunny-like boy. "Thank you, Jungkook-ssi, but I should really do this on my own. I can't get in trouble for letting an idol do my work!" He laughed, "Don't worry, Minha Noona asked me to come help you."

You sighed in relief. "She also told me to tell at you for being so independent and stubborn. She said she told you to ask Hyunjoo Hyung to help you." You blushed.

That was true. She told you to ask the man for help, but you were embarrassed to admit that he scared you a bit. He was a big man, a bodyguard to be exact. And he didn't have the friendliest face.

"I just didn't want to bother him." You say, cursing mentally when you see the said man, sitting around on his cellphone. "Yeah, he sure looks busy." The idol joked. You huffed and he leaned down a bit, to whisper to you.

"He scared most of the staff at first, but after the saw Jimin Hyung joking around with him, and hugging him, like Jimin does, everyone got over it." You giggled at the thought of your sweet little Jimin, hugging and teasing the big man.

"That sounds like something Jimin-ssi would do." He smiled as you both began walking across the room. "Are you a fan of BTS?" You nodded, "I am. Actually, I was at your debut. It was great." He smiled widely. "Thank you."

You bid him a thank you and goodbye as he went back to where he was talking to Hoseok about a dance move. You turned towards the clothing and began to hang the designated outfits on the racks, when a voice spoke up.

"You really went to our debut?" You looked over and we're shocked to see Jimin. "Yes. I'm a big fan. You're all very talented." You smiled politely, and continued the work. "Y/N."

His voice was solid, but you pretended not to notice it, "Yes, Jimin-ssi?" You asked, not daring to look at him. "Quit it." You hummed in confusion, folding the collar of one of the blazers.

Your hands were halted by his, causing your head to snap over. The look on his eyes said it all. "You remember me?" He snorted, "That's a dumb question, Y/N." You bit your lip and looked down.

"Why are you pretending to not know me?" You opened your mouth to tell him the truth, but thought for a second. You wanted to tell him it was because of the fact that he was still working to raise his popularity.

But the more you thought about, Jimin is the type of person to argue about the importance of friendship and things like that. You knew it might hurt his feelings but you made your decision.

"Because, in all honesty, I don't really know you anymore, Jimin-ssi. It's been two years. We're not even close to being who we used to be. You're an idol now, I'm just a stylist in training. It was different before. Before, we were both just students trying to succeed. Now you've succeeded, and I'm still trying."


Jimin hasn't spoken to you since you walked away after enlightening him. You didn't blame him, he probably was processing it, or he agreed.

It was now time for the stylists to take their night's rest, and Minha turned to you as you both placed your coats on. "The staff is going out tonight, would you like to join us? Maybe get to know everyone better?"

You thought about it, and it seemed like a nice choice. You didn't have anything else to do, and it might help you to get closer to them. However, you did think it was a bit irresponsible of you to go out on your first night of work.

Deciding to live a little, you agreed. "That sounds nice, I'd love to join you all." You smiled at each other as someone intervened,"Noona, can we come too? We haven't been out is so long." Hoseok whined, as he and the rest of Bangtan joined us in the lobby.

She looked at me expectantly. "What..?" You asked furrowing your brow. "Do you care if they come along?" Your eyes widened at the fact that she was making it your decision. "Oh! No not at all, they're more than welcome!" You answered quickly.

The idol cheered, as Hoseok looped his arm with yours, "Let's go eat!" He cheered, pulling you along. You giggled childishly, skipping next to him.

Once you all got to the restaurant, you were all led to a private room, secluded from the rest of the customers. You looked at the room in delight. "I've never been in a private room before, they're very nice." Minha smiled, "You'll get used to being pampered a bit, as a stylist."

You made a face, "Hopefully. I'm not to fond of special treatment at the moment." Some of the employees laughed lightly at the silly face you made, as they found their seats.

"Y/N-ssi. Have you met 2gether yet?" You nodded at Namjoon's question. "They were one of the first people I greeted upon coming today." He smiled, "Hopefully you get alone well with them. We'd like seeing you around the building every so often."

You smiled gratefully. Seokjin spoke next, curious about you. "Where did you go to school for becoming a stylist? Is there a specific major for being a stylist?" You smiled as you realized they really didn't recognize you.

You didn't blame them either, you weren't very close with them before they debuted. You just knew of them, and chatted a few times. "There's no specific course for being strictly a stylist, but I went to school for Cosmetology at Junseon University."

They all gaped for a minute, "We all went there, as well. Did you graduate recently?" You shrugged, "Kind of, I graduated two years ago." You claimed, a secretive knowing smile on your face.

"So we schooled with you. Now that I think about it, you look kind of familiar."


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