Eighteenth Chapter

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Y/N P.O.V.

After leaving the rink, you and Han Jun joked and chatted about random things as you directed him towards a cute little cafe you discovered a while back. You enjoyed it's aura, and thought that it might help lighten the days atmosphere.

After you both drank your tea, and munched on your small platter foods, Han Jun took you home, and ended the night with a shy peck and bug hug, bidding a goodbye.

Once inside, your smiled dropped. The events of earlier had ruined your mood, leaving you sour, but you hid it, not wanting to worry Han Jun.

You sighed heavily, and threw yourself back onto your bed. No matter how hard you tried to forget and pretend that nothing happened with Jimin, it was obvious that it was affecting you. You couldn't even be near the other members of Bangtan without getting anxious or being mean. You were scared.

You sighed again. The more you thought about it, the more you regret ever applying to BigHit. You were being dramatic, that much you knew, but you already had anxiety, and all it was doing was ampifying your fears.

Your kind raced with 'What if's and that was scaring you. There were so many thing that could go wrong if you went back to Jimin, and that's all your mind could focus on.

Rolling over, you curled into yourself. Still clad in your date outfit, not finding the energy to change. You wrapped your arms around yourself, and with a heavy heart, dialed the number of your best friend, Ha Nee.

The two of you got very close in college, and kept in touch after graduating. You were thankful for her, as she was by your side after Jimin left. She new everything about you, and Visa versa.

You dialed the familiar number and waited impatiently. After a few rings, a voice startled you, yelling your nickname, "Pookie!" You giggled. Pookie was a random nickname she began calling you about a year ago.

She said it jokingly one day, and thought it suited you, so it stuck. Now you are and will forever be known as her 'Pookie'. So to make things even, you have her a nickname as well.

"Honey-ah! It's been so long! I missed you! We need to have a day soon, how are you?" You heard her giggle at your breathless response. You smiled at the sound, you really missed your best friend, more so recently.

"I'm same as always. The salon has been super busy lately, everyone wants fashion colors like the Idols." She paused, "Speaking of Idols... How's BigHit?" You sighed once again, and Ha Nee must have heard the stress in the noise.

"That didn't sound too promising." You shook your head, before realizing she couldn't see you, "It's not. Are you free?" You asked, looking at the time. It was only 5 in the evening. Ha Nee thought for a moment, before giving a yes. You agreed to meet her at the dog cafe by her work at 5:30.

Once you arrived at the location, now in leggings and your favorite jumper, you walked in excitedly and went into the pen filled with various dog breeds, and sat down. A few dogs immediately surrounded you, and you allowed them.

"Pookie! You couldn't wait for me to get here before diving into puppy heaven?" You heard. You stood up and embraced your best friend. "Honey! I missed you so much!" You exclaimed dramatically. She hugged back and you both ordered, before going back to the pen.

"So, explain? Why such a reaction toward BigHit?" You huffed, cuddling your favorite puppy breed. "I'm beginning to regret applying there. I should have went somewhere else." You filled her in on everything, even the things you still denied.

She nodded, "But I don't understand. When you first applied, do you remember what you told me?" You shook your head. She sighed, "You told me you'd rather not be a personal stylist, but you wanted, so desperately, to see Jimin-ssi again. So why are you doing the total opposite?"

She continued,"Pookie, you're fooling yourself to believe you have feelings for this younger guy. You and I both know that when it comes to Jimin-ssi, no one can beat him. You're going to end up hurting not only the boy, but Jimin-ssi, and yourself." She was right.

You got silent, and looked at the puppies sleeping face, as it snuggled into your lap, so she kept talking, "Let me ask you this, if Han Jun and Jimin-ssi we're drowning, who would you save?" You rolled your eyes, "Obviously both."

"But, you can only save one, as soon as you get to the person you decide to save first, the other dies. Who do you grab?" Your mind blanks, and you look at your best friend. "I'm scared. I don't know how to answer."

"I have too many things clouding my judgment, Honey. My heart screams Jimin, but my head says Han Jun." Ha Nee clicks her tongue, "Follow your heart." You shook your head, "the last time I did that, Jimin ended up leaving me. He didn't even try to fight.

"There's so many things that could get in the way. His fans, management, the members. People change and so do feelings. What if he only thinks he still loves me, but once he gets to know me all over again, he hates who I've become? I'd crumble."

You burry your face into your hands, and Ha Nee scoots next to you, and puts a comforting arm around you, "Sometimes, you have to face the risk. Where would we be if we didn't take risks? No where. Risk is a part of human development. You can't learn if you don't take risks. Just think of this, if, if, things go south, then you become a little wiser."

"Take the risk, Y/N. I'll be here wether is fails or succeeds. Either way, I'll make sure you're okay. I won't let anything happen to you."

You looked at her, "I know what I have to do now. Thank you, Honey. I owe you one."


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Do you guys like Ha Nee? Sorry if I explained the puppy cafe wrong, we don't have one where I live, so I'm unsure of how they work.

Do you think the story is too fast? I like getting to the point and don't want to make the story drag on too much.

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