Seventeenth Chapter

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You giggled loudly as you tried to catch your balance once again. Han Jun laughed at you, and came to grab your hands, "Noona, why didn't you tell me you never went roller skating?"

You shook your head ,"It's not that I haven't! It's just been a really long time." You pouted. He laughed lightly at your adorable demeanor, and began to skate backwards at a faster pace, pulling you along behind him.

You squealed, "Han Jun-ah! Be careful!" He laughed as you gripped his hands and pulled lightly, trying to get him to slow.

After an hour full of laughing, bickering, and you trying not to fall, you finally got the hang of moving your feet correctly, and Han Jun began to skate next to you, instead of in front.

He grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers, as you both rolled around the oddly empty rink, "Thank you, for giving me a chance, Noona?" You looked over at him, and gave him a smile, that he was sure stopped his heart.

"I'm not "giving you a chance", Jun-ah. I may not be one-hundred percent sure of how I feel about you, but I know I feel something." You squeezed his hand, and giggled as he began to speed up, pulling you with him.

Suddenly, the loud, old, metal doors creaked open. The rink was pretty old, and run down, but it was still usable. Han Jun explained that it was the only one that didn't take almost two hours to get to.

You both looked over, being the only customers there, and noticed a group of people walk in, all geared in masks. It was quite a large group, about twelve people in total.

You heard Han Jun curse under his breath, so you looked at him, "What's the matter? Do your feet hurt?" He shook his head and skated closer to you, "I got excited, and told my band members where I was taking you for our date, and I'm pretty sure they decided to come crash it."

You frowned, "That's not very kind." He nodded and sighed, "They're annoying." You snickered, "Maybe they want to go on a date with you too." He looked at you in annoyance, a playful tint in his eyes. "Because I'm so irresistible."

You shrugged, "Obviously." You giggled as you got around to the area that the familiar group was preparing at. "You guys are unbelievable." His members chuckled and removed their masks, the five of them looking devious.

"Oh Hyung what are you doing here!" The Maknae said, acting innocent. You giggled lightly. You looked towards the still masked visitors and bowed politely, "Hello." They removed their masks, making your face drop. "Bangtan."

Jungkook smiled widely, and grabbed you into a hug,"Y/N! I missed you so much!" You felt him deliberately push Han Jun away, and rolled your eyes. "Jungkook, please don't push my boyfriend." You said, patting his back awkwardly.

He pulled away, his face bright red. "Sorry." You smiled awkwardly. Ever since the, "incident that didn't happen", you've felt extremely awkward around the members.

Maybe because you were afraid of them finding out, or maybe you were scared of being near Jimin again, either way, it was getting to a point where you had wished you didn't begin working at BigHit in the first place.

Your life was simpler before meeting them again. I should have been a hair stylist in a salon. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Han Jun grabbed your arm.

You looked up at him, and noticed the angry look on his face. It was then, that you realized that he and Jungkook were arguing.

"I've known her longer, Kid. We went to college together, who are you to tell me not to touch her? She's my friend, is that a crime?" Jungkook said, face hard. Han Jun scoffed, "I'd be fine if I knew that's all she was to you. I see that look."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Even if he did see her as a woman, he's not pushing it. It was a hug, there's no harm with a hug." You looked back at Han Jun. "False. How would you feel if I was hugging up on the person you loved?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, and opened your mouth to stop them, but Jimin cut you off, "Hug your girlfriend, then ask me about how I feel." He snapped.

Your eyes widened and you looked at him. Han Jun huffed,"What does that even mean?" Jimin sighed, and waved his hand,"Whatever." But you wouldn't let it slide. "Park Jimin."

Suddenly, you were hit with nostalgia. Flashbacks of when you first met Jimin flash into your head, making your heart ache, but you shook them away, as he slowly turned towards you.

"Yes?" You glared at him, "I get that you're standing up for your friend, but you both need to understand that this is my relationship and if my boyfriend doesn't want another guy, who clearly has feelings for me, than that guy shouldn't hug me."

You sat on the bench and began to remove you skates. Once finished you set them on the counter and turned to Han Jun, "I'll be in the car. Let's go somewhere else, this place has begun to smell rotten."

You walked out and sat in the passenger seat of the car, and waited. Not even five minutes later, Han Jun walked out and got in the driver's seat. He didn't start the car, instead he turned to you.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." You looked at him,"I have no reason to be upset with you Jun-ah. I'm upset with them for trying to control our relationship." He bit his lip.

You smiled and held his hand, "Truly, I'm not angry at you in the slightest. I'm just disappointed that they ruined the first half of our date." He looked at you in surprise. "First half?"

You giggled and leaned forward,"Now it's my turn to pick a place." You leaned closer, and place a sweet kiss to his lips, only deepening it for a second. You leaned back, and started the car for him.

"Now, take a left out of the parking lot."


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