Twenty-third Chapter

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Jimin P.O.V.

Jimin huffed loudly, adjusting the arm he had around your waist, and lifting you a bit higher, so you could catch your footing again. It also didn't help that he was a bit intoxicated on his own, but not nearly as drunk as you.

"Come on, Y/N. We're almost at the door." You giggled in his ear, "Step. Step. Step." You lifted your leg dramatically, your jeans stopping you from lifting too high.

Jimin giggled, "Stop it!" You giggled along with him. You pulled away from his arm, and turned, so that you were behind him, and jumped on to his back. Jimin huffed out a breath at the new weight, and quickly went to catch you.

You wrapped your legs around his waist, and almost choked the poor boy when you threw yourself front and swung your arms around his neck. His hands grabbed your thighs and hoisted you up, stumbling a bit in the process of getting to his room.

"You got heavier." Jimin mumbled, turning his back towards the bed, before letting you fall back, a small noise of protest leaving your lips as you fell back suddenly. He turned towards the bed, a hand grabbed his own and tugging.

Not expecting it, Jimin fell forward, landing next to your drunk body, "Jerk. I got heavier, sure," you dragged out, "but that means my butt, also got bigger." You suddenly pouted, and looked into the boys eyes, sadness swirling in your uniquely colored eyes. "Something had to compensate for my shrinking heart. My heart got smaller, so my body got bigger."

Your eyes began to water,"Jimin. Jimin, I'm sorry. I'm a terrible person. I regret the decisions I made back then. From the moment you auditioned to the minute I left at the cafe. I missed you so much, baby. I'm such a stupid girl. I say stupid things." You moved to get up, "I should lea-".

Jimin practically jumped forward, connecting your lips in a hurry. This wasn't a kiss full of love, and compassion. It was a lustful, angry, treacherous kiss.

Hands clawed bodies, as you both rolled over, fighting over who was in more pain, eventually, Jimin winning. He took lead, pinning your hands above your head, as his kisses left a heated trail down your jaw.

Fevered gasps left your swollen lips, and your body wiggled, trying to find some sort of relief from the burning in your body. Jimin kept one hand locking yours away, and the other trailed along the side of your body, outlining your curves.

When his warm fingers got to your hip, they tickled the showing skin, and shifted the shirt, so it raised a bit more, exposing your pillowy stomach. His lips hooked to your cushioned collar bone, as his fingers danced on your waist, making their way quickly towards your bra.

His hand stopped at nothing as it left a rough squeeze to the sensitivity area, making you gasp and whine. You lifted you hips, in need of having your past lover closer to you in your time of need. Jimin's hips snapped down forcefully, making you his as he pinned your lower half. His hips rolled, making you heave in appreciation.

As the rest of the progress. The clothing came off, one by one, and you both met for the second time in knowing each other, in such an intimate way. But this time, the intimacy wasn't filled with love. It was cold, harsh, angry sex.

Y/N P.O.V.

You woke up the next morning, with a loud groan, hissing immediately after, when it amplified the pounding of your head. You squinted your eyes, and sat up slowly. Looking around, you realized you weren't in your home.

You sighed heavily, knowing full well you slept with someone last night. You were assuming it was the female you met when you first got to the club. You shivered and looked down, your naked body confirming your thoughts.

You looked around, and noticed a man's shirt sitting on the floor. Oh? Maybe I didn't go with that woman? You tilted your head, your brows furrowed as you lifted the shirt. You shrugged and slipped it on.

Hands halted, you took a deep breathe, as the familiar sent hit your nose. You knew this cologne. It was your favorite, because he wore it. You glanced around quickly.

Nothing stood out to you, there were no photos or anything lying around for you to check the mystery person's Identity.

A pan clattering made your head snap to the door. You walked lightly to the door, and pulled it open, thankful it didn't make a sound. You slide down the small hallway, your back against the wall like a spy.

When you got to what you assumed to be the kitchen, you peeked around the corner. Your eyes fell upon a shirtless back. You knew who it was instantly. The man was short, his hair was now blue, but still pillowy looking, and his small hands fumbled with an egg, attempting to crack it.

You stared for what felt like hours, your eyes watering. You watched as he finally cracked the egg, but almost half the eggshell broke with it, mixing with the eggs contents. He swore, and turned around to throw it out, and saw you.

The minute he looked into your sober eyes, and noticed the tears, he looked down, "You're up?" You breathed shakily, "W-Why am I here, J-Jimin?" He looked up, "You don't remember?" You shook your head slowly, "I have d-drunken memory loss. I c-can't remember w-what happened when I s-sober."

You wanted to smack yourself for stuttering. "Y/N..We..We did stuff. Last night. We said stuff." You walked fully into the kitchen, but hesitantly. This boy caused a lot of heart ache for you. It wasn't intentional, but it still happened. You were scared to be in such a proximity to him.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, hoping that he meant to guys drank, and danced together, and then argued. But there was a voice in the back of your mind screaming at you, that it wasn't true. "Wh-what do you m-mean?"

"Y/N..We had sex last night...and you apologized and told me you missed me."


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Sorry for the lack of smut, I'm not comfortable writing it, there's a certain mood I have to be in to write it, usually a more confident one.

Hope you're enjoying the story!

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