🥀Instant Kill🥀

Start from the beginning

"Karen, activate instant kill mode." 

The eyes on the suit turn into small red pricks, as Sam and Rhodey try to grab him again, but he slips away

Peter throws (YEETS) himself towards Thanos, pummeling him with punches.

He used his full strength, used the suit till it's full extent, and fucking destroyed Thanos.

Peter threw Thanos at a pile of metal. Multiple pipes going right through Thanos's body. 

But he was a stubborn ass. 

He held onto his life as Peter walked to him.

The Spider-Man mask disappeared, showing an emotionless looking Peter.

But his eyes.

Oh, his eyes held such fury, such rage, and anger, it could make anyone cry out in fear.  

"Y-you humans. W-will always b-be pathetic.... W-waste's of s-space." Thanos said, choking on his own blood.

Peter slowly lowered himself towards Thanos and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Well, you Titan's aren't any better. And at least we can compromise, managing to thrive and survive. The last of your kind dies today." With that he stands, one of his Spider legs extending.

"I'll see you in hell Thanos." With that, he cuts his head off. Actually this time. 

Everything was silent for a moment.

When Thanos's army charged straight towards Peter. 

He turned to them, eye's dull, having lost their sparkle. And he smiled. 

"Bring it on you motherfuckers... Cause I'm pissed." 

With that, he fought them like he was going to die. I mean he could. 

The other heroes snapped out of their trance and rushed forward to help him. 

In 35 minutes it all ended.

Everyone was relieved that they were alive.

Peter stood tall, covered in blood as he walked towards were Tony's dead body should be.

But it wasn't there.

"Pepper!" He yelled out worriedly.

"Tony's body disappeared!" He turned towards her as everyone started freaking out.

"Calm down everyone it's alright! I portaled his body to SHIELD's medical ward! They are doing their best to save him so calm down." Strange yelled out.

Everyone started calming down, when Peter collapsed to his knees, then fell straight to the ground.

"Oh my god, Peter!" Pepper yelled as she and Rhode rushed towards him, worried if he was alive. 

"He's just coming down from an adrenaline rush. He'll be fine, don't worry about him." Strange said. 

"Alright, everyone! Medical's on its way! Those of you who aren't injured, help those who are!" Steve yelled out. 

🥀🖤🔥Sometime later🔥🖤🥀

Peter woke up to an annoying beeping sound.

He opened his eyes, squinting as he looked around.

He was in a hospital room.

"Wha-?" He started coughing harshly, his throat dry.

"Careful there hon, here have some water." Pepper said, helping him sit up. She hands him some water, as he takes it gladly.

"What happened?" He asked after a minute.

"Well, after Tony was stabbed, you went berserk. And killed Thanos and almost his whole army. Then passed out from adrenaline rush and now you're in the hospital." Pepper explains. 

Peter's face fell when he heard that,

"I'm sorry about Mister Stark- I failed- I'm so sorry." He sobs apologizing over and over again.

She pulls him into a hug, pushing back his hair.

"Shhh, don't worry about it. Because I have a surprise for you." Pepper says, standing up.

Peter wipes his tears staring confused at her. 

She opens the door, Tony walking in with a smile on his face.

"Morning underoos, you finally woke up? What was that meme again? I lived bitch." Tony said chuckling. 

Peter threw his blanket off and rushed towards him. Tackling him into a hug.

Tony shouts shocked, managing to regain his balance. He laughs as he holds Peter close.

The 2 started crying, realizing how they almost lost each other.

Pepper and Rhodey who were watching from the door joined in.

"I love you- I love you so much. Please don't leave me again, Please..." Peter begged. 

Tony kissed his forehead.

"I'll try kiddo, I'll try... I love you 3,000."

"I love you too... dad."


Can you tell I was going through some crap while writing this because damn. 

Anyways New Years is almost here and I'm not even close to my goal.


Alright, who needs sleep anyway right?

I'm gonna die I had 2 cups of coffee already.

See you soon!

Love you my demons.

Live, Laugh, Lie.

Posted on: 12/30/19

Word Count: 1090


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