{3} Honesty and Bluntness

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I jab my finger on the elevator button for my floor, angrily watching the doors close. Yes I know I'm trying to be a better person, but that still doesn't mean that I freely like going around helping others with their problems.

And it's definitely not my problem that a pack of alphas want to start some territory war with the werewolves here.

Plus I'm not entirely sure why they barely bothered to show up. Because I know for a fact that Beacon Hills County has many other alphas and their packs to go and harass.

Then again I wouldn't be surprised if Derek did something to piss them off in order to get them here in the first place.

I tap my foot impatiently as I wait for the doors to open. When they finally do I walk over to my door, unlocking it before entering and shutting the door behind me.

On the good note my dad actually agreed to letting me have my own place, however he made me get it on the same floor that they're living on. Trust me when I say that it took me awhile to convince him to not make me take the apartment in front of theirs.

Instead I'm a few doors down from their apartment, but hey that's a win from me seeing as how its not right next door.

Just because they are the only two people in this world that I love doesn't mean I want to live in the same apartment with them.

I walk into my bedroom, flicking on the lights and shutting the door behind me.
Just as I finish changing into a sleep shirt, I hear a noise from besides my window.

Without hesitation I grab the sliver lamp on my desk. In one swift motion I throw the lamp at the intruder's head. "Ow, that actually hurt." They complain before stepping into the middle of the room.

"Are you stupid or just a plain out idiot." I yank the lamp out of Derek's hand. He's lucky I didn't just automatically try to kill him.

"If my dad catches you around here, I'm in a load of trouble Derek." I scold angrily. All he does is move over to my computer chair, and sit as if he was invited in.

He gives my a slightly amused look as he looks around my room. "Nice place." He comments, looking over the picture frame on my desk.

I stomp over to stand infront of him and cross my hands across my chest. He sends me a smirk, placing the family picture he was staring, in slight disgust, at down. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but you don't have any pants on."

Don't punch him, whatever you do just hold it in and don't punch that stupid smirk off his face. I roll my eyes at his remark. "It's a night shirt, but that's besides the point. How the hell do you even know where I live, or better yet why didn't you just use the god damn door like a normal person?" Irritated isn't even enough to describe how I'm feeling right now.

He rolls his eyes before answering. "I just followed your scent. And incase you haven't noticed I'm not a normal person."

I groan before taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "First off don't go around smelling after me. And secondly you haven't told me why you're here in the first place."

It's not exactly like we're friends enough to be going over to eachother's places to just hangout or whatever.

"Just wanted to check up on you." He responds, I raise an eyebrow in confusion making him shift in his seat. "I just wanted to make sure you haven't gone off and done any of your hunting" He clarifies.

You know that feeling you get when you know someone isn't being entirely truthful with you? Well I'm getting that feeling right now. But hell, if he doesn't want to say what's on his mind then that's his problem and I can really care less.

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