{30} Good Ole' South Of The Border

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One night of the hunter

One day I will get revenge

One night to remember

One day it'll all just end

~Night of the hunter, 30stm



The road gets even bumpier as Kate begins driving into some deserted remnants of a town. Long story short we're here in Mexico to make Derek younger so that he'll trust Kate and give her some family token, or whatever it is, to be able to have some control over herself. I laughed the first time she explained it to me. Then chuckled the second time.

I'd have helped her but seeing as how I don't even have control myself and not to mention I still can't fully shift this is her only option left. Or atleast the only one that we have all the resources for.

Speaking of those resources, all she says in regards of the process of making a twenty-something year old a teen again is that it'll be a surprise. Hope she remembers my sixteenth surprise birthday when I accidentally punched someone in the face when they jumped out. My aunt Leslie never really did like me after that.

The car rolls to a stop and my hunter instincts start kicking in to make sure we're alone. "Trust me it won't be a repeat of your birthday." Kate says before stepping out of the car. At least she remembers that fiasco.

I follow out and instantly get hit with the hot, dusty summer air. It feels like I'm in the stuffiest sauna dressed in winter clothing. While dirt gets blown in the direction of my face every once in awhile.

Wow. What a catch.

"Where'd you find this hell hole?" I wipe the thin line of sweat off my forehead and look around. The church in front of us is basically in ruins like everything else in this town. And I'm highly doubting that it'll not cave down on us at some point.

"You haven't even seen the best part." She laughs in response and leads the way. With our combined supernatural strength we mange to carry Derek into a specific part of the ancient ruins that has a tomb inside.

No. I literally mean tomb when I say it. Like to bury someone in and all that jazz. We hoist him up into said tomb in one of the walls, making sure he's all inside. Kate lets out a odd sounding roar, almost like if she's calling someone, and pulls me back a few feet from the wall.

Seconds later, of staring at the unconscious Derek Hale in the wall, the sounds of loud and menacing footsteps echo close by. Scratch that last thought on thinking she called someone because she definitely called somethings. What in the holy hell are those things?!

A trio of big skeleton looking motherfuckers walk in and look towards us. To be exact here they stare more towards Kate then they do to me. Something that I'm surprisingly fine with. "Berzerkers." She grins widely. Kate's face just shows how pleased she is with I guess coming upon and now controlling these things.

At least I hope she is. If not I don't really think I can take even one of them on. Especially with what I've heard about Berzerkers. Distract them, yes. Kill them without any weapon or control over my shift, no. "Alright as much as I love staring at them. What exactly are they doing here?" I ask, not taking my eyes off of them just in case I need to dodge a swing.

"Close it up, boys." She instructs, making the three of them simultaneously turn towards the hole in the wall. One of them pulls out a large amount of wolfsbane and starts spreading it around Derek.

I scrunch my nose up from the smell, thankfully not for long, then they do some more voodoo shit and the hole fully closes. They step to the side and if I hadn't seen it before I wouldn't even have known that there had been a hole there. Guess this is her plan to make Derek young and foolish enough to give her what she needs.

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