{14} Stupid Plans

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I go to open the old metal contraption of a door, when it suddenly slides open. Issac storms past me angrily, not bothering to even close the door.

Damn. Someone must have ripped one of his scarfs.

Derek looks up briefly from his spot before going back to tending to his sister. If you ask me she looks way beyond...well you know, not dying.

I close the door behind me, flinching as the door's overbearing amount of noise fills my sensitive ears. Damn super hearing, not as convenient in the beginning as you'd think it to be.

"You should put some oil on that. Or you know-- by a new one that's not older then your ancient uncle over there." I gesture to the omega standing by the large windows. He gives me an irritated glare before turning to look back towards the inhabited bed.

I walk over to the bed and for the first time in my life--I feel extremely awkward and unsure of what to do. Cora looks about on her last breath of life just laying around on the bed.

I shift from one foot to the other making a look of displeasure as some disgusting pungent odor infiltrates my nostrils. Ugh that's just...is this how disgusting death smells like?

Derek must have noticed my scrunched up nose since the look of worry grows on his face.

"I uh, called an old friend of mine--"

"You have friends." Peter cuts me off with a tone of disbelief. He lets out a short and pointed laugh, not letting my glare bother him.

"To answer your question yes they're the only hunters I'd say are anything close to what normal people consider friends." I respond, my patience growing thin. "Anyway, they say that we have to drain bitch face of her powers before we have any chance of helping your sister, Stiles's dad or Scott's mom."

"And did your supposed 'friends' say how exactly we're suppose to do that?" Peter asks in an annoyed voice. I roll my eyes and look over at Derek instead.

"We have to make her do something that would take up a lot of her energy. Something big enough that would completely leave her weak." I inform.

"What, like making you someone pleasurable to be around. Now that would take the energy of a thousand Darachs to even chip away at that job." Peter laughs, making my blood boil.

I clench my fist, feeling the cool sensation of my eyes turning a much more brighter blue from anger.

"Oh how priceless Derek. First off you're with another hunter, one who's directly related to the one who burned our family to a crisp, and two you haven't even taught the bitch to--"

Peter doesn't get to finish as I lunge at him. The sudden snap of my attack catches him off guard and we tumble to the ground. His back hits the floor roughly and I end up straddling him.

"I've been wanting to rip your face off since I first met you." I menacingly growl, landing a hard punch to his jaw. Before I can land another hit, Derek grabs my fisted hand midair.

"This is honestly the last thing I need right now." He snaps, not wasting a second from yanking me off of his uncle. I stumble as he stands me up, my breathing short and ragged. Derek keeps his firm grip as he pulls me towards where Cora is.

I breath heavily in and out as I clutch at my aching chest. Son of a bitch is going to get his next time. I wheeze out a short breath as the overwhelming pressure in my chest begins to die down. Derek sighs and rubs his forehead, the stress of everything obviously getting to him.

"So what are you doing." I tilt my head in his sister's direction, trying to change the subject from my lack of being able to control anything werewolf related to myself. He gestures for me to take his previous seat.

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