{18} Werewolf Performance Issues

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"Again, Alice?" That's what--the fourth one this week alone."

I give my dad an indifferent shrug and toss the broken mirror into the dumpster. "For the record it's only the third mirror." I correct, waiting for him to dump the trash away before walking again.

"Along with two coffee tables, a few desk lamps, your refrigerator door, and the handgun that you tore in half. Alice, this isn't just something that you can ignore or shrug off." He lectures me. As if I already don't know what's been happening.

I unlock my car door before carefully opening it. "Well maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm an angry person to begin with, still new to all this, and absolutely shit at controlling anything. Or maybe it's the fact that I still regret my decision?" I say in an irritated tone.

It doesn't really dawn on me what I said until I see the frown and sad look in my dad's eyes. I let out a sigh and rub my forehead. "Look I'm sorry but I need to go to work."


"Hey Sheriff I need your signature on some--whoa, what's with all the channeling Sherlock Holmes?" I gesture the clipboard in my hand towards the big bulletin board filled with a whole lot of detective work.

"Just...reassessing some old cases to see if I missed anything." He responds, going through the paperwork that I handed him.

"Ah, I see. Looking over things with your new and improved--illuminated perspective. Well good luck with that headache." I remark with a grin and take the clipboard back. He gives me a subtle nod before going back to his new investigation.

If I have to hear one more call about someone's idiotic problem that I know for a fact that doesn't need the police to solve, then I swear I'm going to strangle them over the phone.

On normal days I would be out on patrol with another office, but somebody had to call in sick today. So that's left me the entire day to have to deal with phone calls and sorting out things at the front desk.

Normally I don't mind all that much. But seeing as how today is one of those days where people and just being awake in general is pissing me off. Oh, and not to mention that I've been having werewolf performance issues the past three weeks too.

 'Hey Parrish, how's the week been treating you?"

I lift my head up from the computer screen, not sure where the voice is coming from. The front room is empty besides me and the only other officers are in the back. I let out an annoyed sigh as it hits me.

Great. I'm hearing other people's conversations. This is exactly what I needed atop of everything else.

'--so then I told him to leave his key because I'm not going to deal with anymore more of his excuses.'

'Trust me you did the right thing.'

'--another full moon. Werewolf pile for sure.'

I run a hand though my hair, trying my best to control my breathing and stop the super hearing. Rolling my shoulders back, I sit up straight in the chair and look back at the screen.

Crap. My electric blue werewolf eyes shine brightly on the reflection of the screen. Causing me to not only panic more, but also drop my head down in hopes that no one decides to have the bright idea to stop by.

The mixture of different conversation starts to grow louder in my head before I feel my claws start to retract. I stare down at them with a dumbfounded expression before ducking them underneath the desk. Of course. But whenever I try get them out, I look like an idiot just flicking my hands out with a constipated look on my face.

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