{12} Slash A Bitch

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The storm begins to pick up as my phone madly vibrates in my pocket. I fish it out before scrolling through the onslaught of messages. I skip all of them, seeing as how they're all from the same annoying individual, and only read the last one.

Need to cash in that favor, meet us at Beacon Hills Memorial

I look back towards Allison, Isaac, and my dad then back outside--where it's pouring rain. I let out a sigh, zipping up my jacket and pocketing my phone.

This better be worth getting my nice jacket wet.

My running comes to a stop as I finally find shelter just outside the main entrance of the hospital. Not long after, Scott and Stiles come into view. The latter with a wooden baseball bat.

They pick up the pace once they spot me with an irritated and drenched face.

"You look like you've been running in the rain." Scott comments from besides Stiles.

I roll my eyes, fearing for Scott's intelligence...or rather lack of it in this case. "Really, I haven't noticed." I sarcastically retort walking in with them.

"Stiles, this better have been important enough that I had to literally run all the way from the high school in the pouring rain." I say as we walk ahead of Scott who stopped to talk with his mom.

"We found out who the Darach is, and that the alphas are trying to kill her. But that's kinda inconvenient being that she knows how to heal Cora and she took my dad." He finishes in a somber and worried tone.

I stop straining the water out of my hair and look over at him. "Don't worry kid we'll get your dad back for you." He gives a strained smile, pushing the call button for the elevator.

"And Cora, she Derek's sister right?" I ask. He nods his head as I continue. "What did you mean by heal Cora? I thought she was fine after they got her out of the vault."

Before he has the chance to answer the elevator door open and we walk in. I turn around and see Scott and Derek holding the arm of some woman. I raise an eyebrow as they enter the elevator.

"Alice, what are you doing here?" Derek asks, not losing his hold on whoever she is. Wait a minute...this bitch must be the Darach.

"Came in on a favor. So this is the psycho was going around murdering people." I question from besides Stiles.

She glances behind me and gives me a look of distaste. "So this is what's been holding you back from being with me. It's a good thing he's not your boyfriend or else he would have already cheated on you." I raise an eyebrow and clench my jaw.

"Alright I see, bitch wants to get slashed. Well he's not my boyfriend but he's still mine, so if you don't back off I'm going to stick a--"

"Oh look the elevator opened." Stiles cuts in with a sigh of relief. I shove past them, knowing that I'll use the knife hidden in my boot if I I stay near her any longer.

My feet stop right outside the hospital room Cora is suppose to be in, only it's empty. I cough at the strong scent of vomit, wolfsbane, and hot sticky blood. Note to self, sign up for how-to-not-smell-everything 101.

I cover my nose with the sleeve of my soaked jacket, as everyone else follows the trail of black blood with their eyes. "Derek." Scott says, gaining all of our attention.

A loud bang followed by a grunt of distress, and just generally all the sounds you'd expect of someone getting their ass-kicked, echo on the other side of the doors in the middle of the hallway.

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