{8} Atelophobia

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I twirl the knife in between my fingers, skillfully avoiding any cuts to my hand. It's not some fancy knife, but a switchable that I found in one of the drawers. Kate use to compare me to a switchblade, I remember she use to say that one second I'm harmless and the next I'm about to end your life. I let out a tired sigh, leaning back into the couch.

It's been a whole day since I last spoke with Stiles, and our conversation is still reeling in the back of my mind. So far I've done nothing about it. A low groan fills the room, making my head shoot up from the knife in my hand.

I sit up, placing the switch blade on the coffee table before silently waiting for another noise. After a few seconds no other noise comes. I rest my elbows on my knees, putting my face in my hands.

'What do you think you're doing!'

My head snaps up, eyes wide at the sound of the familiar voice. Okay so now I'm going crazy, great.

My eyes wander around the room before landing on a very unsettling sight. I feel my throat go dry as my eyes stay glued on the angered expression on her face.

I shut my eyes, hoping that when I open them again that she's gone. It's not that I don't love my mother-- but it's just the fact that she's dead and I'm seeing her that's bothering me right now. I slowly let my eyes flutter open, but I'm met with her irritated expression as she now stands by the large windows. Waiting for my answer.

I open and close my mouth wondering how I'm even seeing her. "I'm-I'm helping him." I stutter, feeling the anger practically radiating off of her...spirit. She fixes her glare from me to the unconscious Derek laying on the bed a few feet away. I gulp, not being able to stop my hand from trembling. I tuck them under my legs, not knowing what else to do to stop them.

'I raised you better then this Alice.' She scolds, angrily.

"Mom I'm trying to help someone." I quietly respond, instantly feeling like an idiot for acting this way infront of her. I can only imagine what she's thinking of me right now, seeing me in this situation.

'We do help people, Alice. Just not his kind.'

"I'm just trying to be a better person. To make you and dad proud." I reply, looking up from my lap and meeting her angered expression.

She scoffs, placing her hands on her hips. 'He's the reason I'm dead Alice! He's the reason your younger sister won't grow up with a mother!' She yells.

I press my lips into a thin line, looking over at Derek stir. She's right, Allison won't be able to grow up with her mother by her side. I shake my head and look back at her.

"You're right mom, he bit you. But you attacked an innocent werewolf because you couldn't except the fact that he loved one of your daughters." I fire back, storming up off the couch.

She gives me a look of disbelief, seeing as how I'm practically defending a werewolf instead of her.

'You're a hunter Alice. You can't deny that.'

"True I'm a hunter, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy mom." I state, solemnly.

'I see I can't change your mind. But know that I'm no longer proud of you if this.' She points a menacing finger at Derek. 'Is the life you're going to live.'

She gives me one last cold fleeting glance before leaving. I clamp a hand over my mouth, feeling the overwhelming need to sob loudly. My own mother hates me and she's not even alive.

"Alice." I drop my hand hearing the faint whisper. Taking a deep breath I compose myself before walking over to the bed.

"Just rest for awhile you need it." I whisper back, my voice cracking before I have a chance to stop it. He doesn't listen to me and instead slowly props himself up.

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