The Thread is Undone

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I dived back into the Pit of Angst™

nah I fell out of a tree

did I fall, or did i let go?

 okay well i need a map so I can get out

does anybody have a map

i'm in the pit of angst, in the tiniest lifeboat

full of writers i knowwwwwwwwwww

heere! I need help, I'm right heere!


i'll stop now

here's your chapter

Evan was crying. It was already morning, and Connor had never arrived. He had called and texted so many times; no response. Zoe, Jared, Alana, Cynthia, and Heidi had called too. Cynthia had called the police. They hadn't found him.

Was he dead? Did he run off and kill himself in an abandoned orchard? Was he murdered? Evan refused to consider it. The tears wouldn't stop. Jared hugged him while he cried, and Zoe and Alana had brought him brownies and vanilla ice cream. Heidi had made him spaghetti, his favorite dinner. (This is a reference; comment what it is, I'll bake you 10,000,000 cookies and write you a oneshot. No looking it up!)

Evan let out a scream, tears splashing everywhere. "CONNOR! COME HOME!" Evan threw his phone against the ground, tears everywhere. Just as his phone hit, it rang. Larry Murphy.

Evan prepared for the worst. Cynthia squeezed Evan's hand.


"Y-y-y-yes, u-uh..."

"Connor just walked into the house. Didn't say a word, ignored me completely. He's in his room, the door is locked. I can't get through to him."

Evan let out a long breath. Connor was alive, but he needed Evan's help. He could be in his room, killing himself... Evan jumped up and ran. "M-mom! D-d-drive m-me to Connor's!" He shouted. Heidi jumped into the car with Evan. Jared climbed in too. Cynthia, Zoe and Alana got into Cynthia's car. 

 "D-drop me off at the back." Evan commanded. Heidi swerved and Evan jumped out of the car into Connor's backyard. The door was locked, but maybe the windows weren't. He climbed the side of the house; his window was a lot easier to climb to because of the tree, but there was a fence and a window box here. He slammed his fist against the window. He screamed. It was locked. 

Then Jared was there, picking the lock, opening the window and helping Evan to get in. (May I remind you he has a sprained ankle and broken arm?)

Evan ran to the bathroom. Oh, fern. It was locked. Evan banged on the door. No answer.

Was Connor dying in there?

Jared jumped over with his bobby pin (courtesy of Heidi) and unlocked the door.

Evan gasped.

Connor's pale hand laid out of the edge of the bathtub. Blood dripped onto the floor, pooling everywhere. Evan opened the shower curtain. The water was red and burning hot. Evan pulled a (naked) Connor out of the bathtub, yelling at Jared to call 911.

The next few minutes were a blur. Jared opening the door to let everyone in. Cynthia screaming. Heidi bandaging Connor's wrists. Lots of crying and screaming. Blood. The paramedics arriving, and taking Connor away.

Evan just stayed in Connor's room, hugging his boyfriend's soft black hoodie and letting the tears fall down, down, down.

What had gone wrong?

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