Chapter 7: She could be the One

Start from the beginning


There she was, the girl I hurt about a year ago standing four feet away from me with the same expression she had when I broke up with her. I saw Cam's right hand giving her left hand a reassuring squeeze when she noticed that her cousin was uneasy with my presence. Cam took the seat on my left while Skylar sat on the other side of her.

Miles and Connor's laughter suddenly died down when their sister and cousin sat at the table. "Awkward." Miles muttered a little too loudly which earned him a smack on the arm by Connor.

Michael cleared his throat loudly. "Well, first time you kids are quiet,"

"If you only knew Dad," Miles said and Connor elbowed him this time. "Ok ok I get it, I'll shut up."

"Skylar that's Zach Parker," Michael said nodding at my direction

If there's one person in West Side that doesn't know about mine and Skylar's past relationship, that's Michael.

"We've met each other already Uncle Mike," Skylar replied shortly while ignoring the glances I shot at her.

"Well, you two could make the perfect couple if you stay long enough," Michael said which made both Skylar and I choke on our drinks. "What? I was just joking around."

"Uh Dad Miles, Mila, Zach and I are headed to school now so-" Connor tried to change the subject

"Why don't you bring Skylar with you? I'm sure she'd like to see her old school again," Michael suggested

"No need Uncle Mike," Skylar replied immediately

"Oh go on Skylar, you'll just be all by yourself here," Michael added

"Uh sure why not," Skylar said with fake enthusiasm

This is going to be the most awkward morning of my life.....



The car ride to school was the most quiet one I've ever had. Well, except for the fact that Miles blasted some music on the radio which made it even more awkward when Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande played.

Of all days, why did a song about exes have to play on the day Zach and Skylar were in a car together??

I told Skylar to go home since she looked pretty jetlag during second period. She ended up being asked to go home by some sophomore and junior guys that tried hitting on her all morning.

Thank God she's not one of those sluts.
The bell finally rang and I caught up to Ethan on the way to the cafeteria. "Hey Mila, my mom said you and Parker took me home last night?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah.... You were really drunk last night," I replied and he shrugged

"Did I say anything weird?" He said, bringing up the one thing I don't want to talk about.

Except for the fact that you confessed how you're falling for me. "Nothing too weird." I lied

"Well, sorry for all the things I said. Most of the stuff I say when I'm drunk really aren't true," He explained before we entered the noisy cafeteria.

I can imagine my 7th Grade self getting hurt by that. Thank God I'm over him.

We spotted Rye and Chloe at a table the furthest away from the cafeteria doors. Ethan and I walked over to their table and sat side by side.

For some reason, the two usually fighting over the most random stuff are now eating silently and obviously avoiding eye contact.

"What happened with you two?" Ethan spoke up which made the two of them look up at him

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