《Chapter 46》

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~ Sooyun's P.O.V ~

(Skip time - The day after the audition)

These past 3 days were worthless that I wouldn't care to ever explain. Honestly, I'm surprised on how I had spent 24/7 alone in this enormous apartment which I thought I will not survive.

Yesterday just happened to be worst then I thought it could be. Apparently, my grandma wouldn't be coming back anytime soon as she had to settle back in her hometown. Honestly, it was devastating to come across that news but I knew it was the best for her. She may have wanted to spend some time with her cousins as she has always wished to.

Moreover, I heard that the guys did such a tremendous performance but supposedly the result will be out by next month. I wish they would be qualified as to acknowledge their talents and to pay off their hard work.

Ding Dong...

My eyebrows knit themselves in confusion as to why the bell just rang. "I did not order any pizza though", I made my way towards the door thinking it could be a mail man.

As I lazily twisted the knob around, there was no one in sight which made the tiny hair on my arm do a little tango dance.

This is so creepy.

I was about to slam the door shut and get back to my room when I came across a card laying on the hallway in front of me. It was a small piece of paper with something written on it. I was inspecting whether or not I should pick it up but on my second thought, this apartment's security is tight and there's no way a stranger could enter in here unless they have our parents', Yoongi's or my consent.

With my trembling hand, I picked up the card and read whatever was written on it. It said,

"You know what's the only beautiful thing in this entire world? Read the first word. xoxo"

Who in the world can this be? Jungkook never did this kind of pick up lines plus he's arriving here, tomorrow and not today. I leaned forward into the hallway to make sure there weren't none who's doing such creepy thing. Just then, I found several cards disperesed on the floor leading the way to the staircase. I felt anxious yet a little curious of who can that be.

I instantaneously, collected my spare key to the house and my phone; leaving the house after closing the door shut. It can't really end up as bad as I thought, wouldn't it?

The next card said,

"I may not be a genie but I can make your dreams come true"

The third one was,

"They said Disneyland is the happiest place on the earth. Well, apparently they have not seen you yet"

There were plenty more cards which lead me to the rooftop and I grew suspicious considering no one was in sight. I finally left the rooftop after exploring only to come across none. My legs did its thing and dashed towards my house. I ran over to my bedroom and locked the door behind me.

"Phew. That was so f*cking creepy"

I heard a paper scrunching when I deposited my body on my bed. There was a similar freaking card right next to me. Being dumbstruck, I dared to pick that card up and read it.

"I'm sorry that I lost my teddy bear. Can I hug you to sleep tonight?"

with a heart emoji at the side. Now, this is really terrifying and I have no idea why to do. In a blink of an eye, someone covered my eyes making my heart stop for a mere second. I yanked that person's hands away and grabbed the lamp; ready to throw some hands.

"Baby! Babe, it's me"

"Jungkook! What the actual hell? You scared the sh*t out of me"

"I was hiding in your closet all this while. And who has their closet door open all the time?", Jungkook climbed on the bed, chuckling.

"How did you get in here though?"

"Yoongi hyung lent me his spare keys and I entered right when you left to the rooftop", he snaked him arms around my waist and cocked his head in my neck.

"You sneaky little b*stard. Those cheesy pickup lines were all your plan?"

"Yah! My pickup lines aren't cheesy okay. And yes, I planned a huge surprise for you but I remembered you telling me, you hate the cliché type of stuff"

"Kookie, knows me too well huh. Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?"

"No. How about we make love?", his warm breath hit my neck sending chills down my spine. I landed a hard slap on his exposed neck and certainly hated how make me feel. Making me feel wanting him more.

"Baby! Why would you do that?"

"Make love with you huh? How about I whip your ass that you can't sit for the next one week?", I slammed his chest as hard as I could, earning a scrunch on his face indicating he was in a visible pain. May I was just too harsh on him.


"Oh no, I didn't mean to"

"Baby, why would you hit me like that? Then how about you kiss me at this spot to numb the pain?", he puckered his lips like a little kid, leaving me whining to trust his stupid act.

To be honest, we didn't share a passionate kiss for once and I don't know how to feel about that. I couldn't bare the embarrassment I was feeling, hence I stood up to leave my room.

"Babe, really? You're gonna leave just like that?", he gripped my wrist softly, pulling me towards him; I ended up on his laps.

"You know I've missed you so much. Why can't you spend a while with me?", he said, well more like whispered in my ear which earned a low giggle as it was ticklish.

Without my consent his hands trailed towards my laps and pulled me closer; securing me on my back with his other hand.

"Baby... I think your lips are calling out for my name. Should I meet them?"

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