《Chapter 6》

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~ Yoongi's P.O.V ~

I quickly shot up and gasped for air as if I had 0% oxygen in my lungs. As soon as Jin hyung heard me gasping for breath, he came over to me hurriedly with a mineral bottle clutched in his hand.

I chugged it down and looked around the room to find everyone staring at me as if I'm a mentally disabled patient. "Hyung. How are you doing right now?", Jimin reassured worriedly, having a seat on the couch beside me.

"It doesn't matter. How is she?", worry took me over. "Ruyen is getting treatment in the hospital for broken ribcage and bruised eyes along with both broken elbows", Taehyung answered bluntly with a sharp exhale.

"Not her. I'm asking about Sooyun", everyone stared at me weirdly as if I had just asked for the world's most difficult question.

"Hyung~ah. Why are you suddenly concerned about her? By the way she was the champion", Namjoon said narrowing his eyebrows and shrugged.

"Whatever, but I'm glad that Sooyun and Ruyen are doing just okay.", I massaged my temples to relax my trembling nerves from that incident.


"Eomma. I'm back" "Yoongi, you look dull. Is anything wrong?", she questioned touching my forehead to check if I have any sort of fever or something.

"Eomma. Do we have any relatives by any chance?", I asked and she stuttered at my unusual question to her reacting dumbfounded.

"Uh...A-Actually we have none. Here you go. I made you some lamb skewers for dinner. You would say these are your favourite all the time. Moreover, your dad facetimed me and he asked about you", she gave me a plate full of my favorite dish and snacks.

I went upstairs, ate it and came downstairs to wash the used plates when I found my mum, sitting on the sofa. I quietly placed the plate on the counter and walked towards her to spend my night talking with my mum since it has been a long time. I peaked over and was surprised at what I witnessed.

Those were pictures of small baby girls they were all small and cute but I'm wandering why is she even looking at those right now.

"Eomma. Is anything wrong?", I asked and she quickly hid her handphone under a pillow with sweats dripping from her temples.

"Huh? Oh um. Yoongi~ah it's nothing yeah. It's um... nothing.", she woke up and walked towards me with an obvious forceful smile.

"Did you enjoy the food?", she asked patting my hair like she missed me to the core. I nodded and smiled lightly replying her. Without any hesitation, I just hugged her tightly, not letting go of her.

"Eomma, something just feels weird", I said snucked into my mum's neck which made her more worried.

"Yoongi. You are such a happy kid", she said and pulled away with a genuine smile which cheered me up at least a little. "Now go and sleep. It's 12 a.m. already"

I jumped on my bed and went into my Instagram searching for "Min" Sooyun's name. A gummy smile appeared on my face when an account popped up and I pressed on it without a single hesitation.

She had more than a 1000 followers. Wow. She is such a social butterfly. How can she not have any friends?

I turned off my phone and stared at the ceiling, in my own world where millions of questions crossed my mind not knowing the answer for them.

Why am I having such a weird feeling of Sooyun after that "tragic" incident. Me, fainting, has never happened to me in my entire life.

Well, except for me sleeping.

I've never felt this way before, at all. I really hope Sooyun is doing alright and recovers from the injuries as soon as possible.

The reason I fainted and the memory which popped up in my mind was about a family playing happily in a living room.

Like Taehyung asked, is she somehow related to me by any chance?

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘  ||  𝔹𝕋𝕊 𝕁.𝕂. ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ