Part 033

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We got to work all late, knowing that I was taking forever in the shower. Hank wasn't too proud of that, but its my house. I can take as long as I need. Fowler hadn't noticed how late we were, but of course, Gavin did. "Seems as if the scooby gang is late," he cocked, still having his cocky mood after everything. "Gavin, are you sure your dick hasn't shrunk? Kinda seems like it has by the way you act," I snapped back, grinning as I turned to face him in my chair. He rolled his eyes.

"You know I'm kidding Gav," I said, and she shrugged. "You sure?" He asked, and it made me almost laugh. "You trying to defend that you have a small dick?" "Wait- NO THAT"S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" He yelled, and I burst into laughter. Hank rolled his eyes as he got to work, and Connor didn't really look at us. Connor has been off since what happened with Amanda. I sighed when I noticed how he was, and Gavin raised an eyebrow. "I'll tell you later," I said, and he nodded. Then went off to work.

The hours spent there were boring, unable to find any cases and I still wasn't cleared. I groaned, sitting back in my chair. "This is so boring!" I whined, making Hank look up at me. "You really wish to just be in an investigation?" He asked. "Yes! I'm bored, and I hate just sitting around for 7 hours doing nothing," I complained. "Why don't you h-" I jumped from my seat and across the desk to cover his mouth. "We don't speak of that," I said. Hank looked at me in almost dead, then just nodded. I moved my hand away and sat down.

I looked around for a second, and soon, I didn't see Connor. "Uh, Hank," I said, trying to get his attention. "Yea?" "Where did Connor go?" I asked, and Hank then looked up and looked around. "Oh shit. Where did he go?" I groaned, standing up. "Check around, I'll looking in the break room, you get the bathroom. He couldn't have gone far," I said. Hank nodded, standing up as well.

I questioned myself in my head as we looked around. How can you manage to lose a highly intelligent robot, who's also a deviant? What was he even trying to do? Ugh. I'm so confused. When I walked into the break room, Gavin was there, as usual. "Yo, Gav," I said, and he looked up from his phone. "What's up?" He asked. "Have you seen Connor?" "You lost Connor?" "He kinda just wondered off and we were too busy working and I thought he was there and suddenly he just went POOF!" I spoke quickly, and with a lot of exclamation. Gavin sighed, standing up and putting a hand on my shoulder. "For one, calm down. I'll help you look. Two, he couldn't have gone far. Three, I'm still confused on how you lost an Android," Gavin said. I rolled my eyes, and shrugged.

Having went to check the cells and I went to the evidence room. When I got in there, I saw Connor standing at the desk, looking at my evidence files. "Connor?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Connor is our temporarily, my name is Connor," his voice almost sounded distorted, and he turned around to look at me. "But you can call me Nines," he said. I pulled out my gun, and Nines had chuckled. "Don't worry, (Y/F/N), Connor has no intention to hurting you. Yet I do," he said, and took a swing at me. I dodged it, and this time, actually made a fucking run for it.

Not getting stabbed or shot today. No siriy, never again. And plus, running is the best option. I knew he was right behind me, but I had to find Hank and Gavin quickly. I ran out of the door, panting as Gavin and Hank were both standing in front of me. "(Y/N), have you been running?" Hank asked, noticing I was panting. "That's not Connor," I said, trying to catch more air. "He's someone named Nines. Aka, RK900." There was slamming at the door, and I quickly turned around with the others.

"How do we get Connor back?" Hank asked as we stared at the door. "We'd have to do enough damn age to Connor to try and knock him out, then I could get into the software. And we're going to need to do it fast," I said. We decided to all run to Fowler's office, and try to tell him what happened.

"Connor suddenly became Nines!" "He was in my evidence file!" "People need to leave!" "He could kill us!" "I think he's dangerous!" "I ran from the basement to here!" "OKAY ENOUGH!" Fowler yelled, all of us stopped talking. We were all talking at once, and I guess it finally got on his nerves. "I'll lock up the place, say were undergoing an emergency. Since you three, and I'm sad to have to admit this about Gavin, are my best here. And half the workers never even show up anymore," Fowler said, and Gavin had looked very offended.

"(Y/N), how fast will you be able to get that sorta.. virus out of his system?" "About 10 minutes," I said, and they all looked at me with wide eyes. "What!? I never said coding is THAT easy," I defended myself. They all groaned. "Alright, well, (Y/N), you set up the cords and everything. Gavin, get this place locked up. And Hank, be prepared to release Connor, or whatever his name is," Fowler said, and we nodded. We left his office, and did as we were told.

I sat at my computer, getting into the certain coding I use to get into all the androids, yada yada. I think had to pull out all these cords, and unwrap them, then plug them in. "You think by now there wouldn't be the use of cords," I muttered to myself, making sure everything was ready. I texted Gavin. 'Everyone understand the lockdown?' I sent it, and then went to text Hank.

'Ready to release the beast?'

I saw Gavin had texted me back after I sent them text to Hank. 'We're all good, let him out.' I sighed, looking to Hank's texts. 'Totally makes the situation better,' he sent back, and I sighed. 'Let him out, and he prepared.' I sent it. I then put my phone away, and made sure my gun was loaded.

Then, the door to the evidence room opened.

A/N: okay, so maybe this chapter was going to be earlier, but I had to finish my huge big paper, and all my other homework. Then had to deal with annoying drama. Honestly, just glad that he's out of my life and I can focus on my mental health for once. These chapters are also getting hella intense, dont ya think? Trust me, you'll understand it all soon.

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