Part 009

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(Connor POV)

As the officers in the station looked for a way to track her phone. I sat at the desk, looking at the computer as I waited for the computer to load. Hank was standing behind me, bent down so he could see. "You think if androids could do all our work, the computers would be faster," Hank said, seeing the same loading screen as before. "Lieutenant. I feel something.. strange within me. It feels like worry, but.. more," I explained, looking up to him as I question the feelings inside me.

"That's called fear Connor. You're afraid for (Y/N), she's missing, somewhere with the most dangerous serial killer in Detroit. And I'm afraid too. Why wouldn't I be? She is a good friend of mine. A really good friend of mine. Honestly, my best friend, alongside you. And were both worried for her. We're both scared. And I understand Connor. It's just, it's gonna happen. But we will find her. I promise," Hank finished, and I nodded a bit. "You promise..?" "Yes, on my life." He said, and I smiled a little. I know he was going to keep that promise. And I wanted to find her as well.

After a few seconds, the computer finally loaded up (Y/N)'s location. "Damn, that place is close. We better get there fast," Hank said, standing up straight and told the officers helping us. I stood up, walking out to Hank's car not too far behind him. I started to feel determination fill my chest. I could understand that feeling. I've.. somehow felt it before in other situations. Many times. I got in the passenger side of Hank's car,  Hank already being in the drivers seat. "Let's go get her." He said, driving off to the location where she was at.

We're coming (Y/N).

((Y/N) POV)

I sat in the empty, cold place as it had gotten deeper into the night. I still couldn't identify what that place I was in. All I know was that it was painful, and cold. I don't think I could stress how cold it was. Rand has left the room for a bit, leaving me there in pain and, now, dried blood. And the blood was mine. I laid there, trying to close my eyes and imagine this as a dream. Where I was back at the station, where Connor had never found out. Or honestly, I just wish I was back to when I never got sick. Maybe I could've avoided all of this. I should've been able to. I-

My thoughts were cut off by Rand bursting into the room again, flipping his knife. "Ah, don't fall asleep yet (Y/N). We've got to get you out of here," he said, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why?" I asked, and he walked over, undoing the restraints keeping me to the chair. I started to soon hear the echos of sirens in the distant, and I prayed that they had finally found me. "Fuck. They're here already," Rand said, finishing undoing the restraints and pulling me up. I now stood up, and started to quickly see stars due to the amount of blood lost. I almost fell over, Rand grunting in anger as he pulled me to stand up fully. "Don't fall down. We need to leave!" He whisper-yelled at me. I nodded, trying not to visibly shake.

He started to walk out of the room fast, pulling me with him. I almost tripped, but managed to keep on my feet as we ran to the other side of the building, away from the cops. As I thought about Connor being able to come and save me, my chest started filling with the petals again. 'No..' I thought to myself, wanting to keep down the petals until we got away. Or I got saved. "DETROIT POLICE, OPEN UP!" A loud voice came from the door of the place, and the slamming got even quieter as we got farther away.

I heard the door get kicked down, and I felt almost happiness. When I looked around, I could start to see the part of this place he was talking me didn't have an exit. "No. No!" He yelled, realizing there was no exit. He turned around, and look at the place quickly as the sound of feet shuffling into the building for louder. My hope was getting up, but he had found a window. He started to walk towards it, and dragged me. I almost fell over again, but I regained my balance. The sound of pounding feet got closer, and so was the sound of cocking guns. "They're over here!" A voice yelled, and it was a voice I could never forget.


"Connor!" I yelled, getting punched in the back pretty hard. "Keep fucking quiet," he said, pulling out his own gun and cocking it. I had to regain my breath, almost choking on my spit when he did that. "She's over here!" Hank yelled, and the other officers from the station ran in, and so did Hank and Connor. Guns up and ready. Rand placed the gun to my head, looking at everyone. "Put the gun down!" Hank yelled, almost visibly shaking as he yelled that. Connor took a small step towards him, but Rand took a step backwards and took me with. "Stay back! Or I'll shoot!" He yelled, and you could see the fear rise in Hank's face. And.. Connor's. Connor had looked.


The other officers brought up their guns, ready to shoot if Rand was to make any sudden moves. Another officer tried to move closer, but Rand pushed the gun against my head, yelling, "Come any closer, and she dies!" I was scared. I looked to Connor, my eyes filled with fear, begging for him to do something. As he looked back at me with the same look of fear, I had thought of something. I threw my head backward, hitting Rand in the face. Connor and Hank made an advancement towards me, and the sound of a gunshot echoed in the dark place as everything had turned to black.

A/N: AH FUCK! YALL! IM SO STRESSED BUT I HAD TO WRITE THIS! My friends gonna do pissed lmao. Have fun! 💕

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