"Boss, come look at this!" The employee shrieked, beckoning them to the back part of the restaurant. Aubrey quickly hurried outside and was joined by Dennis, Baka and Chubbs.

"I-I, I got it from here, thanks" Aubrey said, signalling the employee to go back inside.

On the wall were several screenshots CCTV picture taken from the night of the robbery, showing Aubrey, Baka, and Niko with their faces covered. The words "I KNOW YOU DID IT" were spray painted in red above the pictures on the wall.

"No fucking way" Niko punched the air, staring at the damaged walls.

"You still don't think I should kill this nigga?" Baka spoke, clearly growing angrier by the second.

"You saved up, huh?" Dennis asked, looking at the wall and pulling one of the photos off. Aubrey remained silent, pulling out his phone and began to search through his contacts.

"Jahron, come through...now" Aubrey said, kissing his teeth.

"We gotta get this shit cleaned up before C gets back" Chubbs said. "Shits crazy, we gotta fix this"

Aubrey, Niko, Chubbs, Dennis, Baka and now Jahron, Ryan and OB gathered in the restaurant office. Chubbs had gotten one of the employees to clean the wall in exchange for an added hours wage.

"Can one of y'all motherfuckers explain what's happening?" Dennis spoke. Everyone turned to look at Aubrey who had remained silent for a while.

"Uh, yeah, we second that" OB said, speaking for him and Ryan.

"Me, Baka, Chubbs and Niks robbed LD's warehouse because we found out he was the one that set up me and Baka. We thought he was over it because a lot of time had gone by, but clearly not. So now, we really have to end this" Aubrey sighed.

"I'm guessing Camilla doesn't know" Ryan asked.

"Duh, do you think she'd let this happen?" OB looked at Ryan.

"Y'all crazy, look imma help fix this. I know a thang or two" Dennis nodded his head.

"Dad, I don't need help-"

"You got niggas spray painting ya wall, you need more help than you know" Dennis interrupted.

"Shit, alright then" Aubrey shrugged. "What you got, Jahron?"

"LD co-owns a Gentlemen's club near Ajax. He's never there from what I found out"

"Who does he co own it with?"

"A woman named Reneé and his right hand man, Shane" Jahron said. "Seems like Reneé is there majority of the time rather than the others"

"When did he get this Gentlemen's club?" Baka made a face.

"It's under his real name, plus it seems like Reneé is the one that really runs it. Everything is under her name" Jahron added.

"Why don't we grab the bitch, when he comes to us, we kill him?" Baka spoke.

"That's not actually a bad idea" OB chimed in.

"That's a terrible idea" Aubrey, Chubbs and Dennis all said in unison.

"Why?" Ryan said.

"We kill him, we gotta kill her, we gotta kill everyone that knows about it on his side" Chubbs said.

"I'm down for that too" Baka rubbed his hands together.

"You got issues" OB looked at Baka. "What do you think Dennis?"

"I think y'all need to play it cool, this was just a warnin'. He can't do nothing yet, act normal then attack. But in the meantime, collect as much information as you can"

"I just thought of something" Aubrey's face lit up. "He runs a Gentlemen's Club, he'll need bottle girls and strippers. All we gotta do is, find a woman that'll be a spy for us, pretend she wants a job. Watch his moves, find out things. She might even be able to get him or Shane to pillow talk"

"That's actually a good idea" Niko nodded whilst the others agreed.

"Which woman do we know that'll be down though?" Baka furrowed his eyebrows together.

"I got this one, don't worry" Aubrey smiled to himself, scrolling through his contact list.

Camilla was still at her dress fitting, unaware of what was going on back at the restaurant.

"You guys look amazing!" Camilla grinned largely, watching everyone try on their dresses. Although her mom, grandmother and Sandi were not bridesmaids, it was important to her that they felt special.

"This doesn't really fit my body shape" Courtney complained.

"Yuh just fat" Camilla's grandmother, Joyce whispered, letting out a laugh. Causing Julianna to laugh then playfully tap her mother.

"I think you look really good" Camilla reassured her.

"You do, we all do" Brielle smiled.

It was now Camilla's turn to try on her wedding dress, she'd picked a beautiful ivory princess dress for the ceremony but a tight cream fitting trumpet tail dress for the reception.

"Oh, Camilla!" Julianna held a smile on her face as Camilla exited the changing room with her first dress on. Joyce said nothing but let a small tear fall from her eye as she stared at Camilla.

"Wow" the store owner grinned.

"You guys like it?" Camilla asked, looking down at the dress.

"I could cry!" Brielle held back tears, holding Alisha's hand for dramatic effect.

"You look so good" Alisha smiled.

Camilla stared at herself in the mirror, falling in love with the dress all over again. This made her even more eager to walk down the aisle.

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