The Mozza

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The police station's never quiet, no matter what time. When Nicole arrived, she tried avoiding as many employees and officers as she could. No one should find out that she's sleeping on one of the station's couches. She picked Nedley's, because he's a veteran at the job and he barely has late shifts.

Nedley's a great man, that's one thing she's sure about; he'd be standing at the corner watching Wynonna and Dolls fight over case decisions and would only speak up when it's absolutely necessary. He'd save a donut for Nicole every day, despite knowing how hard everybody in the workplace fights over a second donut during their daily coffee break. He'd patiently show her the tropes around the job and would correct her with a soft tone whenever she makes a mistake filing her paperworks. In return, Nicole would help him tidy his desk, fetch him his coffee and talk to him whenever she gets the chance to. So far, she's found out that he likes to sneak in considerable pours of liquor into his coffee mug, fondly listens and sings along to Doris Day whenever he gets the chance to, and he also loves his wife dearly-- Nicole concludes this because he talks about his wife a lot, and he had a son, who would've turned 21 had he been alive today.

Nicole lied down on the hard cushion of the pleather-covered couch and looked up at the ceiling, lost in her own thoughts. She has her phone in hand, and she pondered about when would be the best time to call Waverly-- or whether or not she should call her at all. She gently brushed over the bruise on her chin, taking in the little stings of pain. She remembered how close she was from kissing Waverly Earp down at her apartment, and how frustrating it was to hold down the desire for it.

"Haught. Been waiting for ya." Someone greeted. A low, familiar gruffy voice.


Nicole abruptly sat up. Nedley's standing at the doorway of his office, still dressed in his navy blue uniform. There are bags under his eyes-- he looks so worn out.

"Nedley," Nicole started, " this is past work hours-- you shouldn't be here--"

"And neither should you." He muttered, then Nedley's little eyes widened, apalled. "Jesus, what happened to your face?"

"Some bullies." Nicole said curtly. She's hating this moment by the second.  I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm all patched up."

Nedley looked worried and curious, but he didn't inquire further, to Nicole's relief.

Nicole stood upright, looking down to the floor in shame. Nedley's been nothing but kind to her. He's the most clearheaded and patient person in the whole place, and Nicole felt as if she just betrayed his trust. "I know I shouldn't be in here. I'm very sorry."

"I see you've hauled all your things and set them by your desk. I also know you slept here last night." He entered his office, crossed the room and sat on his chair calmly. "Now, I know I don't know the full story, but I know a stray pup when I see one."

Nicole didn't answer.

He let out a timid sigh. "Tried to mind my own business all this time but if you're sleeping here, things must've hit a new low."

"Well," Nicole pursed her lips and scoffed bitterly. "Here I am."

"I don't know what to tell you but to just... hang in there."

"Thanks." It came out half-heartedly.

"Just so you know you deserve better. I know you do."

Nicole trembled. She felt like crying.

"Now listen, I know you barely know me, but--" he paused and cleared his throat shyly. "I've got a spare bedroom. Been empty for six years now." The light in his eyes dimmed at the notion. "I've talked to my wife about this, we'll be very happy to have you."

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