Let's Talk.

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Ice cream. They went out to get ice cream. They're supposed to just... go out and get ice cream.

Well, they did get ice cream-- Waverly even took a polaroid picture of Champ and the vanilla ice cream she bought, but what happened after they got ice cream was something Waverly should've seen coming.

They're at Champ's place now, on his bed, their lips clashing sloppily against one another, and overall, she liked it.

Are we moving too fast, though? Waverly thought as Champ buried his lips on her neck. She let out a small moan.

Am I being too permissive? She put her finger on his chin to get him to meet her lips again. He moaned against her mouth, and she realized she might've missed this kind of entertainment more than she thought she did.

Is this a good idea? She frowned as she felt his hand creeping up her skirt. Champ groaned when Waverly put a grip on his wrist, putting his venturing hand to a halt.

Okay, now maybe that's a little too much.

"Why?" He asked breathily, eyes hazy and cheeks flushed. He leaned in for another kiss and she kissed back. "Don't be a prude." He murmured between the kiss. "We've gone this far."

She let out a sarcastic chuckle. "We still got all our clothes on, clearly we haven't gone too f--"

"So let's take them off." He playfully bit her bottom lip, while his wandering hand moved up, reaching the edge of her panties, playfully tugging.

"No." Waverly shook her head, with a modest but sarcastic smile.

"Oh come on."

"Not now." She took his wrist and pulled his hand from under her skirt. He groaned but didn't fight it. "Not today."

Champ let out a dissappointed sigh, pulled back, and dropped several tiny kisses along the side of her thigh. She has to admit, he looks cute doing that. "Is this because it's our first date?"

"Maybe." Waverly shut her eyes to let herself catch a breath. When she opened them, she stared right up at the plain white ceiling and searched for a thousand reasons why this didn't feel right. It felt physically good, but still. "It's just... too fast, Champ. Geez, I'm barely settled in the city."

Champ shrugged dismissively, and he sounded slightly annoyed when he said, "So you want me to wait? Sureee, I can wait."

Waverly wanted to make a remark about the sarcasm in his tone but she didn't feel like she has the energy to. She really liked the makeout sesh, but all in all it just felt...hollow. Like a lingering void that she doesn't know what to fill with. She ruminated on it for a moment, while Champ busied himself on his phone.

She thought about her high school days, about making out with Josh Jameson in the backseat of his car, about her awkward first time with Reggie Dumont in his house when his parents were away, and the better times with him after. In her senior year, Christopher Summers would wait for her on the bleachers during her cheerleading practice with a bright smile up his face and he would pull up with his truck after, and they'd drive away somewhere quiet for something that he used to call: "the highlight of his day." They never dated, though she knew he wanted to. He got over her pretty quickly though, and by the last semester he ended up dating Kristine Routh, a girl who Waverly has always thought to be the hottest in the cheerleading squad. Now that she thought about it, there are more than a few girls in her highschool cheerleading squad that she thinks are hot. Like, really, really hot.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Champ asked, snapping her out of her daydream. Waverly propped herself up on the bed and leaned against the bedhead, her eyes meeting Champ's when she looked up.

"We can... talk?" She suggested. "I'd love to get to know you."

"And I'd love to get to know you." He said it with a mocking smile. Waverly rolled her eyes at the innuendo. She kissed back, however, when Champ swiftly leaned in to kiss her again.

"Mmph. Champ, I mean it. Let's talk." She gently pushed him by the chest. He sighed lazily.

"Alright." He nodded, raising a brow with more than a hint of annoyance. "Let's talk."

Waverly bit her lip and took a deep breath, looking around the moderately messy dorm room of his, and the first question that popped up in her head is, "Do you do this a lot?"

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Do what?"

"Kiss girls. More than kiss-- I mean, you know." She blushed after she said it. She's never been good with personal talks. She would start stuttering like crazy when asking questions like this.

Champ scoffed. "Well, kinda."

"Right. So this--uh, what we're doing, does it mean anything to you?"

He frowned and leaned back, now sitting in front of her with the most confused look on his face. "What?"

"What I'm trying to say is," Waverly fixed her posture, now sitting up straight, "I don't usually--"

He bursts into laughter. "Wait, are you trying to say you're a virgin? Because--"

"No! No! No, I'm not saying I am-- I mean, my first dates don't usually end up in the bedroom, you know?"

"Well," he raised his chin up, looking confident as he said, "you just graduated high school. This is college, baby. We do things faster here."

"Really?" Waverly muttered doubtfully.

"Yes, really. You're young, you should get learning."

"You're only three years older."

"Yeah, but I've been here longer."

She wasn't at all convinced, but she's not sure how to rebutt his statement either. Afterall, she's only been here for a little more than a week, what does she know about college dynamics?

Champ climbed up the bed and hovered over her again, his fingers sleek as he unbuttoned the top of her shirt. Waverly gulped nervously, but didn't say anything. "So let's just go with it, Waves. How's that?"

"I, uh--"

"Come on." He'd just taken off the third button of her shirt now, and his lips found their way over her pulse point, slowly nipping and sucking. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get herself to enjoy this. It's not too bad, and she has to admit it got a little better as time passed.

"Okay." She relented, and when his hands wandered and his lips pressed against hers again, this time she let the embrace go on.

Without another word.

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