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Waverly fell asleep around the time they passed through Cassoday, and Nicole's not proud, but, she found herself stealing quick glances at the sleeping Waverly and was reminded of how adorable she looked asleep; so quiet and so peaceful that Nicole hated herself for even admiring.

She drove on past the busy highway with only the radio songs to keep her company. Wrapped in another silence, it wasn't too hard to find herself mulling over the stories of her past that she's been trying so hard to put behind her these past few months; the memories of her father-- the sound of his voice, the moments he was kind to her and the moments he was not-- they've been haunting her dreams since the day her parents disowned her. The flashbacks subsided eventually, but after Champ delivered the bad news they started coming back. All the pain. All the sorrow. Nicole flicked a look to her right and found Waverly, still asleep. And amidst all the pain, there's you. An angel-- a stubborn one at that, who showed up during the lowest low of my life.

It was about 8 p.m when they finally reached Wichita, Kansas, which was their final destination for the night. She let out a relieved sigh once they have entered the parking lot of 'Holiday Inn', a low-priced motel located just a few miles out the highway's exit.

Nicole took a deep breath and let out a relieved sigh once she parked the car and let the engine stop running. You can finally rest for the night. Finally.

She looked to her right and reached out to Waverly, slowly and carefully shaking her the shoulder to wake her up. "Hey." She greeted as she saw the younger woman blink sleepily. "We're here."

They didn't exchange more words after, for things got technical real quick. Nicole got themselves a room with two twin beds, while Waverly collected her own suitcase and attempted to carry out her stack of blankets-- which outsized her and was on the verge of toppling over until Nicole offered to help and carried the blankets up to their room. It was a nice little place; the room smelled a little dank but that's alright, the heater was working fine, the TV was old and the screen was buzzing with static dots (but who watches TV nowadays anyways?), and there's hot water in the shower.

Nicole slumped herself exhaustedly on her bed once they've taken their belongings upstairs. Waverly announced that she wanted to take a shower, and Nicole asked her what they should order for supper. They settled for Thai food. That was about the only conversation they had for what felt like hours to come.

Nicole didn't mind, she was too tired for conversations anyways.

She changed into her sleeping clothes-- a worn out t-shirt and a pair of shorts, and just laid lazily on her bed as she waited for their food delivery, all the while listening to the faint sounds of the shower running in the bathroom and trying all she might to not try and picture a-less-than-decent image of Waverly in her head. Stop that lusty daydream and face reality, you dipshit.

A little more than an hour later, she heard the bathroom door pop open, followed by the sound of Waverly's voice, "Um... Nicole?"

Nicole furrowed her brows, but sat up and replied, "yeah?"

"Can you pass me my towel? It's inside my suitcase, the blue one."

"Isn't there a complementary towel in the bathroom already?"

"Yes, but I wanna use my towel."

Nicole groaned lazily. "Why?"

"Because it's soft and-- can you just give it already?"


"I'm gonna walk out naked if you don't."

Nicole tensed up, her eyes widened with surprise."That is such a weird threat."

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