Wake Up

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Waverly Earp breathed hard. Her heartbeats' a scrambled mess, her body's running on fumes from exhaustion and pleasure. She smiled at the feeling of soft lips trailing kisses along the lining of her abs-- when she glanced down, she bit her lip at the sight of the vigor streak of wavy red hair.

Nicole Haught.

Nicole's lips kept trailing up, past the space between her breasts, along the stretch of her neck, until their lips met and meshed into a graceful kiss.

"Wake up." She could hear Nicole whisper.


She woke up.

Waverly gasped aloud. She found herself waking up in her room, still fully dressed in her cheerleading outfit. It's 6 in the afternoon, and it's been five days since the kiss in the car happened, and right now her whole body hurts from exhaustion. There's a big game this coming Friday and her cheerleading squad's prepared a very draining number. Waverly could keep up just fine, of course-- it's still so exhausting though.

Nicole Haught. She sat up and looked away to the window, at the pale sky outside. Why are you still in my head? She swore even her lips felt raw and swollen, as if the kiss just actually happened, and before she knew it she was already holding her phone, looking for her number.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Waverly threw her phone back down and stood up. You're straight and you've got a boyfriend.

Yep, she and Champ made up.

After the fight a few days ago, Champ showed up the next day with a bouquet of flowers and a dozen boxes of chocolate. He took her out for a movie and told her that he was terribly sorry and he promised to take care of her. It took some convincing, but Waverly forgave him. She still couldn't change his mind about his homophobia, though. Champ still thinks that Nicole is confused about her sexuality, and that ultimately, the kiss meant nothing. They almost argued about the subject again, until Waverly decided that she doesn't want another fight, ever.

And maybe...Champ's right.

You literally just had a sex dream about Nicole. Does it really mean nothing? Really, Waves?

The worst (or best, Waverly can't seem to decide) thing about all that has happened is, she's barely seen Nicole now. Nicole doesn't hang out at the student lounge anymore. Her guy friend with the laptop would still be there, but Nicole wouldn't be sitting with him. Waverly missed having her there; she missed taking furtive glances at Nicole, missed seeing Nicole stealing looks at her when she's not looking.

Waverly hoped to at least pass by her around the halls, but seniors in general have less class periods and most of them only come to campus on certain days, so it's almost impossible to try to bump into Nicole by chance.

Wynonna's noticed something's up. Her sister's also been a bit distant after the two argued about what to do with Champ. Wynonna got kinda--well, more than kinda-- angry when she found out that Waverly and Champ made up. The two sisters would still interact and watch movies together when Wynonna's home, but this time Waverly have to leave out the name 'Champ' from their conversations entirely. Wynonna would also squint at her during breakfast and supper, and she has asked several times if everything is alright. Waverly always managed to put up her best smile to assure her that everything's going great. Wynonna's still not convinced though.

Back to reality, Waverly took a quick shower, snuggled into more comfortable clothes, and sat by her favorite window.

As she let herself drift away with her thoughts, she found herself wondering how Nicole Haught is doing.

She took her phone, went through her contacts and tapped on a number.

It rang for the most dreading seven seconds before Waverly finally heard a familiar voice on the other line:



Polaroid - A Wayhaught FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora