Deny It

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When Waverly woke up, she knew she had missed all two classes she's supposed to have today, but for the first time in her life, she couldn't find herself to care.

It's 11 a.m, and she didn't have the energy to rise up from her bed. Her head's killing her, and all the memories from everything that happened last night made her want to vomit.

What. Have. I. DONE.

She forced herself to sit up, and she reached for her phone to open her contacts. Nicole Haught's not in here. It's all just a dream, it never happened. It's all just a drunk dream.

"Oh, shit." She groaned when the name Nicole turned up on the screen.

She remembers everything. How Nicole saved her from the creepy pervert Tucker Gardner at the party-- the conversation by the side of the road, the smell of her car, the sounds they made as they kissed, the feeling of tiny jolts of electricity that ignited along her spine as Nicole Haught ran her fingers along her back-- she remembers how fast her heart was beating and she remembers every single word they said to each other; she remembers how attractive Nicole looked last night and how soft her lips felt when she kissed them-- how good she was with her tongue and how turned on Nicole made her feel. The kiss was all she ever expected it to be in her daydreams and more.

You're straight, Waverly. STRAIGHT.

She weighed on her options for a moment. Should she give Nicole a call? Or a text? To tell her that last night meant nothing?

Really, though? Nothing?

Waverly buried her face in her pillow, wanting to dissolve into her bed so that she doesn't have to deal with all this.

You cheated on Champ. Fucking cheated.

No, it's not cheating, because it was with a girl, right? Because you're straight, Waverly, totally straight, and the kiss obviously meant NOTHING, and everything only happened because you're drunk.

Waverly dragged herself up from her bed and into the kitchen, drinking as much water as she could and shoving in leftover food for breakfast: A half round of cold pizza and what's left out of a box of Chinese she found in the fridge. As she finished her food, she thought about how she needs something to do-- something to make her feel better. She really needs it, no matter how dizzy she feels right now.

"You like boys." She said to herself as she looked into the mirror on the bathroom sink later on. "You like boys. You really do like them. You like them a lot." She blinked and found herself recounting every single romantic and sexual moments she's had in the past, all of which involved boys.

She feels really dumb now. Why are you even talking to yourself, huh? So she just stepped into the shower and sat down on the floor, feeling too sick and too disheveled to get out from under it. Whenever she closed her eyes, flashes of Nicole appeared in her head and she got so overwhelmed she didn't know what to do.

And somehow, she decided that it was a great idea to call Champ, and ask him to come over.

He arrived about an hour later, looking really grumpy when he walked through the door, and he started rambling about how boring she was being last night, and he was just starting to mention something about Tucker Gardner getting sucker punched by a dyke when Waverly just threw herself into his arms, kissing him deeply, and guided him to her bedroom. Champ didn't complain. He undressed her as fast as he could, and she did the same.

What were you thinking? She frowned hard, moaning on top of her boyfriend with her eyes closed in hopes that she could just forget all that has happened. It's clearly not working, and the more she looked at Champ, the guiltier she felt about this whole thing. You're supposed to like sex, Waverly, she thought in her head-- and she did like them before. She remembered several moments when she actually enjoyed Champ's company this way. The most recent encounters, though? Since Champ and her began to frequently argue about various clutters and contrasting views between their lives? She really would be lying if she says she'd been able to actually love having sex with him since.

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