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When Wynonna woke up that morning, she found her little sister sitting anxiously at the far edge of the bed with dark bags under her eyes and a look of unmissable dissappointment that was on the verge of manifesting to agitation, or more suitably, anger.

Wynonna had to admit, she had it coming.

Her head was killing her, but this clearly wasn't a good time to ask for some Advil, given how tired and pissed Waverly looked right now:

"Hey, baby girl. How long have you been standing there?" She greeted, her voice hoarse from dehydration and exhaustion.

"Not long. How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts so bad." Wynonna massaged her temple and then looked up at her sister and squinted when she noticed something strange, "Have you been crying?"

Waverly looked away as quickly as she could. "No, no. I'm just tired."

Wynonna's gaze followed her baby sister as Waverly paced about the room anxiously. "Is it Champ again? Oh, I'm gonna beat him up--"

"No, it's not." Waverly cuts sharply, distant.

"Quit lying."

"Yeah if only you stuck to your promise and picked me up last night you would've known the full story."

"Look, I get that you're angry, but can we please move on? I got drunk. Big deal. Now tell me what happened."

The corner of Waverly's mouth twitched as she held down the urge to rant. In the end she couldn't take it anymore, so she ended up yelling out: "ONE promise, Wynonna. You promised to pick me up last night but here you are! What is it about now? What other lame excuse are you gonna use?"

Wynonna dragged herself to sit more upright. "At least I'm not beat up!"

"Oh, hallelujah!" Waverly let out a grunt. "You were at work! You're not supposed to be drinking at work! What if you lost your job again, huh?"

"Okay. Please, that was years ago--"

"But if you start being irresponsible again it's more than likely that you'd get fired again!"

"I've been fine, okay? I held up alright on my own before you showed up."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Wait-- no. I didn't mean it like that, okay?" She scrunched her nose at a shot of dizzying hangover pain creeping up her head.  "Quit being so sensitive. What I meant is, this drunk thing isn't gonna be a problem anymore, okay? I promise!"

Waverly sighed, tired. "How many promises are you gonna break, Wynonna?"

"I'm not in high school anymore."

"Precisely! You were clean! You have been-- unless you've been lying."

"And what if I have been? What if I said I can't quit? Who doesn't drink alcohol, Waves? Come on."

"So it's true?" Waverly's eyes widened with betrayal. "You really have been lying."

"Since when are you a saint, huh? Who's drunk and left by her stupid boyfriend at the party last week?"

Waverly growled, her hands folded to fists. "Drinking isn't the problem-- escaping your problems with it, IS a problem. LYING to me, IS a problem!"

"YES. I am a goddamn alcoholic!" Wynonna shouted, her headache getting the best of her. "I drink during work because you're in my goddamn apartment ALL THE DAMN TIME and I don't want you to know."

The creases on Waverly's forehead grew deeper and she could feel her whole body trembling with anger now. "Oh, so I'm holding you back, is that it?"

"My life is shit, Waverly. This is the only thing that makes me feel better! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?"

Waverly stood still, her shoulders tense and her countenance forming a scorn. "I can't believe you."

"Fuck." Wynonna closed her eyes. It hurts. Her head hurts. What have I just said? "Now can you please hand me an Advil? My head hurts like a bitch, I'm not kidding."

Waverly evened her breathing and clenched her jaw. Her eyes felt hot but she's done crying; she felt like she had run dry on tears last night. Besides, crying didn't make her feel better, not to the slightest. So much for counting on someone, she thought.

"I've got a class to get to." Waverly declared. "I better get going."  She shook her head and strode out of the room.

"Waverly!" Wynonna exclaimed. She tried to get up from the bed, but found herself too dizzy to do so. "Waverly, come on! Shit." She murmured as she laid back down, covering her face with her palms, groaning and regretting her own poor choices.


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