The Beginning of Everything

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It was a Friday night at Nicole Haught's flat, and it's officially been about three months since the day she decided that Waverly Earp should be off limits.

"You were phenomenal." The woman on her bed whispered to her ear, and Nicole felt a trail of kisses swipe across her bare shoulder blades. Nicole bit her lip at the feeling of hot breath blowing against her skin, and it made her smile.

"So were you." She tilted her head back and welcomed a kiss from the brunette whose name she can't even remember. Is it Ashley? Or Becca? Or maybe Amy?

They had met at a bar, and she bought Nicole a drink. Nicole couldn't say no to that charming eyes. She was twenty-three, and a personal gym trainer. It wasn't a total wonder to find out that they'd be shedding their clothes aside and took each other tonight.

"I should get going." The brunette gave Nicole one last deep, wet kiss before getting up from the bed. Nicole just nodded and smiled. She wouldn't say it, but she had hoped the girl would at least spend the night; it's nice to have someone to hold, and since Shae and her broke up a year ago, she hasn't exactly 'spent the night' with anyone at all. There's always been the occassional randoms who would warm her bed, but they never stayed through the night, and Nicole never really minded before recently. In fact, she missed it so much that she even contemplated about calling Shae.

"Look, if you're up for another fun session, you give me a call, alright?" The brunette smiled at her cooly as she slid on her blouse.

"Yeah. Sure thing." Nicole nodded, and took the business card that the woman handed to her not long after. Nicole watched her leave and dissappear behind the door. She tossed the card carelessly to a pile of forgotten college papers after she observed it. She paused at the sight of an eviction note from her tenant, but just let out a tired sigh and tried to ignore it. One thing at a time, Nicole, one thing at a time, she reminded herself.

She thought about the woman who just left her bed; a woman she's not planning on seeing again anytime soon. Rose. Her name is Rose, Nicole chuckled to herself, feeling a bit ridiculous for having guessed so far off. She took a deep breath and relived the fantastic time she just had for a moment, until a phone ring woke her up from her thoughts. She picked it up. It was Jeremy.

"Yo, Haught. Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much. Why?"

"So... this cute guy said he'd be at this party."

"Wait. Is this that house party Tucker Gardner's hosting ? The one we specifically talked about not going to?"

"I... yes."

"Look, Jer--"

"But Robin's like, so cute and I've had a crush on him for three years now and he finally asked me out!"

"So? Then go out and meet your man."

"Champ Hardy's gonna be there. I don't wanna be alone when I see him and his numbnuts friends."

"I don't know, Jer--"

"Waverly's gonna be there."

Nicole paused for a moment. Waverly. Shit, Nicole, don't be dumb now. "So what? She's dating Champ!"

"Free drinks, Nicole! Free beer, and vodka, and wine, and whatever." Jeremy doesn't really drink, so his alcoholic beverage vernacular isn't really broad. Nicole appreciates his effort, though. "It'd be fun!" He added.

Nicole let out a long breath and ran her fingers through her scalp, thinking hard. Should she go? Or should she just stay here and enjoy some time alone? Maybe slowly say goodbye to this godforsaken studio flat before she has to evict. Besides, she's a bit tired. It's been a pretty busy week. Her intership's been great, but Wynonna seems to have a knack for finding various ways to vex her, and Dolls tends to be overassertive most times, and he gets whiny about paperworks. Nedley's great, though. He keeps her sane.

"Hypothetically--" Nicole pouted. "If I go, what would I do there? Just babysit you??"

There was a pause on the other line, then Jeremy said: "Yyyeesss....anddd free drinks. Anddd gaze at the glorious view of Waverly Earp."

"Stop saying Waverly. You're making me feel like a creep."

"Well, aren't you?" Jeremy joked, then he quickly corrected himself. "Just kidding! Ahahaha. PLEASE, though, Nicole. Keep me safe from the bullies. If everything works out with Robin, you can go. I promise. Pinky promise."

"Okay. Fine." She finally said, thinking she could probably use a drink tonight. " I'll be there in 30. See you there."

When the call ended and she stood up, she got an odd feeling, though she couldn't put her finger on it. She brushed it off, took a quick shower, and headed straight to the party, clueless exempt from the weird feeling churning in her gut, whatever that is.

She got the feeling that it's gonna be an interesting night, though.

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