Make My Bed

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They ended up making out on Waverly's bed.

It was hot, breathy, steamy-- everything  Waverly ever dreamed of if not more.

Nicole's body hovered over hers at first, and Waverly let her own hands wander while her eyes stayed closed, curling and grasping on Nicole's sweater while Nicole's hands wandered about her waist and thighs, until Waverly, again, accidentially swept her hand across a bruise and Nicole pulled away to let out a painful moan. Nicole giggled after that, though, and Waverly chortled with her. They kissed again, and it didn't take long for Waverly to drift away from reality and let herself go into the kiss.

Waverly pushed Nicole by the shoulders to gesture for them to roll over and switch positions, and Nicole complied without a word. They both sat upright on the bed, and Waverly climbed to her lap while Nicole brought herself closer to connect their lips again. It was slower now-- like they had all the time in the world. Nicole's fingers rested on her chin, slowly caressing her cheek with the softest touches. Waverly's hands trailed down her back, pulling her close, not wanting to let go.

It feels so right. Waverly smiled and nuzzled their noses together. Nicole went in for another kiss. Her fingers treaded through Waverly's hair, and she tugged her braid loose. Waverly squealed.

"My hair looks horrible!" She chuckled, while Nicole kept kissing her.

"You look amazing." Nicole murmured breathlessly. Waverly pulled away from her lips for a moment, studying the truth in her face, and once she's gathered them, she attacked Nicole's lips again.

As the night grew older, the two ended up lying down, next to each other on the bed. Nicole was staring up at the ceiling now, quiet in deep thoughts. Waverly's fingers playfully trailed along the outline of her jaw, then her earlobe, before tucking strands of her red hair behind her ear. She listened to the sounds of silence from their surroundings and found herself lost in the quiet rhythm of Nicole breathing next to her; lost in the moment, though slowly waking up back to the harsh reality. Her lips felt raw and swollen now, tired from all the kissing.

When her palm rested upon Nicole's heart, she took a deep breath and took in the faint feeling of the steadily beating heart. Nicole shifted slightly, turning her head to look at the brunette.

"What's on your mind?" Waverly asked, as her finger carefully coursed through the gentle lining of the older woman's jaw.

"This is wrong." Nicole said, calm but remorseful. She looked away again, to the empty ceiling above them. "You're cheating. With me."

"I don't love him." Waverly's voice was paper thin, weak.

"Then break up with him because I--" Nicole frowned, and abruptly sat up. She dragged herself to the edge of the bed, and stared out the window, onto the quiet night outside. She gulped. "I don't think I can have a one night stand. Not with you." She then looked over her shoulder, her auburn hair looking almost as dark as dark chocolate under the balmy, dim lighting in the bedroom. "So if that's what this is, please tell me to leave, because I don't want you like that, Waverly."

"I'd hate to see you leave."

Nicole looked down to her lap. She sat still when Waverly dragged herself to sit next to her. The younger woman stared out at the night sky outside, not knowing what to say or do now.

"Do you even really like boys?" Nicole suddenly asked, out of the blue.

Waverly nodded. "Yeah, I have. I do. But think-- I like girls too, like, I like you. A lot. Like, like-like you."

Nicole sighed heavily, turned her head to look at her, and leaned in to kiss her again because she just couldn't help it. Waverly kissed back, all loving and tender and slow.

"Don't stop." Waverly begged with an outtake of breath when Nicole pulled away. The youngest Earp's palm quickly reached up to cup Nicole's uninjured cheek. "Nicole." She whispered, biting her lip, pleading with her eyes. Nicole let out a sigh, and frowned. She could try with all her might, but Waverly's right here, begging for her. She couldn't say no. Her legs were molten, so was her pounding heart.

Nicole leaned in to kiss her again, ravishing the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her hot breath and the softness of her lips, and she took in the tiny shivers that coursed along her own body when Waverly's fingers traveled down, away from her cheek, down the lining of her neck, and stopped at the hem of her shirt. When Waverly unbuttoned her jeans, Nicole pulled away with surprise. Waverly looked into her eyes, with bewilderment and a silent request.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know." She leaned in for another kiss. Nicole felt so despicable for even kissing back.

Like instinct, Nicole pushed her to lie down on the bed, her body hovering over Waverly's. Waverly gasped in surprise, muffled by their connected lips. And again, their kiss lasted for a good while;

Until Nicole pulled away abruptly and sat upright, wiping her own lips with a frown. She re-buttoned her pants and muttered darkly, "This has got to stop." She paused, looking away. "Champ's not out of the equation, Waverly."

The younger woman bit her lip but said nothing.

Nicole stood up and left the bed, heavy hearted and reluctant, but feeling incredibly ashamed of herself. "I better get going."

Waverly just sat there and watched her leave, frustrated and dissappointed of herself.


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