The Game

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"Waverly. We're on in 10. Chin up, smiles on!" Coach Nadine clasped her hands together in front of Waverly's eyes, so that she'd stop sitting still in silence, deep in her own thoughts.

It's Friday night, and she could hear the sounds of the crowd clamoring outside, chanting their uni name and booing the other uni's team. Waverly's sitting in the locker room with the other cheerleaders, feeling unbelievably sleepy because she couldn't get herself to fall asleep last night.

She keeps replaying and rethinking about what happened last night-- and she has to actively remind herself to stop; Nicole's tender touches and the way they kissed last night, and then how it ended. The way Nicole just... left with dissappointment and silence.

"What's up with you?" Kelsey Thornton suddenly asked, prompting the other girls to look in their direction with curiosity. The girls were huddled in the locker room, and almost all of them simultaneously stopped what they were doing: most were in the midst of either tying their shoe laces or putting final touches to their hair.

"Me? Nothing's up. Why?" Waverly lied, trying to play it cool.

"You seem a bit...out of it lately." Kelsey went on, discerned. Some of the girls murmured in agreement with her. "Eversince that night at Tucker's party, you've been different, Waverly."

"Is there something bothering you? We totally got your back, girl." Samantha turned around from the mirror she'd been facing.

"Anything for Champ's girl. Right, ladies?" Kelsey gave her a bright, chipper smile.

The reminder, of course, has just made her feel worse. "You guys are too sweet."

"Is it about Haught? That weird-ass senior." Said Jenna with scorn. She was sitting next to Waverly and the way she said it immediately made Waverly's stomach twist uncomfortably.

"Nicole?" Waverly frowned in disagreement. "Nicole's not weird."

"There are rumors about her. Did she do anything to you after you two left?"

"Yeah, Waverly. You never really told us what happened."

"Marsden told me that you and Champ had a little fight last night." Ruby suddenly spoke up and joined the conversation.

"And it's certainly no news that Nicole Haught is a full-time lesbo." Said Jenna accusatively.

Kate stepped up. Waverly noted how pretty she looked with her afro let loose. "Hey, let's not be homophobes here."

"I'm not being homophobic." Jenna gave an eyeroll. "She's like, famous for sleeping around. Maybe she's just using you, Waverly."

"Using me... for what?"

"For--" Jenna had a look of horror on her face, "lesbian sex."

Kate laughed at Jenna. Kelsey looked disgusted by the notion of lesbian sex, while Ruby and a few other girls just looked confused.

"Okay, okay. Let's not pry much further into poor girl's private life." Kate placed a hand on Waverly's shoulder. Waverly smiled at her with a thankful look.

"I don't think I can have a one night stand. Not with you." Nicole's words echoed in her head. She remembered Nicole looking over her shoulder, her wavy auburn hair looking gorgeous under the warm bedside lamp light. "So if that's what this is, please tell me to leave, because I don't want you like that, Waverly."

"You all should know that Champ's an asshole." Waverly shot of the sudden with a shudder to her tone. The air around her grew colder. She took a deep breath and decided to go on: "Nicole-- she is a wonderful person. If you think less of her then you don't know what you're talking about."


There it is, some courage she longed to have for herself. She didn't even care when the girls glared at her with surprise and betrayal.

Kelsey's lips twitched. She opened her mouth, about to say something, right when coach Nadine appeared in the doorway, telling the girls that they're up.

Judging from the way the girls eyed her, Waverly knew she just made new enemies tonight.


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