twenty nine

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 i dont think i wrote this chapter very well so if you arent following it - dont worry, there will be a way better explanation in the next chapter of what happened.

Harry's POV

I woke up in my dorm room. Normal Monday morning - turned my 8 am alarm off and got up for classes. This weekend was the showing of the play the university was doing, and Louis had just insisted on going. So I sent him the link to buy tickets, after telling him he really didn't have to over and over again. I played some soft music to get ready to this morning, but played it quietly - seeing as Jake was still sleeping, his classes not starting until noon.

I only saw Jake every so often nowadays. It seemed when I was with Louis or at theater rehearsal, or in some random class, he was back at the dorm - but every time I had down time, he was with some bimbo or with his basketball friends. It's not that Louis was becoming too bad of a distraction, but I did worry for my friendship with Jake.

When I had changed my clothes, not caring too much about my hair, I grabbed a bag and some sandals, making my way down to my first lecture of the day. It would last until 9:30, then I would be free until 1. Mondays were typically very slow, but only a couple of classes a day until I was free, I usually handled it nicely.

I stood in the elevator quietly, no one joining me as I pressed the button for the third floor. I pulled out my phone, seeing the time was 8:15 now. I decided to send Louis a text, as he would probably be up early this morning to check up on his property. I had forgotten how much he actually did with his little business. It made me happy for him.

H: good morning boobear! how are you on this fine morning?

I sent the short, but sweet text and turned my phone on silent as I entered the third floor. I sat through 20 minutes of what could've been quite possibly one of the most boring lectures of my life. I mean seriously - I was here to learn about acting and singing, not about William Shakespeare's whole life story. And how on Earth could this man talk about the subject for an hour and a half? I took my phone out, not worried about what the professor would think and there were about a thousand kids my age in the room. I usually would've paid attention, but this just didn't appeal to me. Who needs this? I began to think as I opened up a new text from Louis.

L: hi sunshine, just on my way to the daycare. I've been thinking though

H: thinking about what, love? I texted the short response, ten times more interested in what Louis could be talking about than anything the man in front of the class could have been.

L: i'll tell you tonight. over dinner?

H: i have classes in the morning baby

L: i didn't say stay the night. Just dinner

H: but how will you be able to resist me?

L: oh it's been 2 weeks, i think we both need a break

H: dinner then, yeah, when?

L: seven sound okay?

H: yes, love.

L: i can't wait to see you..

H: contain yourself ;)

L: only if you do

My head flooded with thoughts as I closed my phone and put it back in the pocket of my sweatpants. I looked around me and saw a couple of people taking notes. Should I have been taking my notes? I didn't even know what the guy standing in front of us was talking about. I picked up a sentence or two in the beginning before zoning out. I didn't know what had gotten into me, I was usually not one to pay no attention. I reached in my small back for a notebook and a pen, trying to focus more, but I began to feel sweat beads form on the palms of my hands.

I dropped the pen due to the immense amount of sweat on my hands, and felt too embarrassed at the small action to lean over and pick it up. I had never felt so overwhelmed all at once before. I didn't know what was coming over me, but every second, the room seemed to grow smaller. I didn't understand how everyone was staying so still, so calm, so focused. I tried to focus on the man behind the podium, with his immense stack of notes, but couldn't. My vision started to blur a bit, and before I knew it, I was getting dizzy - so dizzy that the sweat on my hands began not to matter, and all I could feel was my head falling back into the desk stood up behind me, and all I could see was black.

like i said, way better explanation in the next chapter - i promise.

please remember to vote for each chapter!

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