twenty two

24 3 0

i have the worst headache. please vote!

Louis' POV

Friday could not have come any slower. The 4 days between the last time I saw Harry and today were ridiculously long. We, of course, texted every single day, and we talked on the phone once. But the day had finally come, and Harry had asked me to pick him up at 7:00 form the university. I had taken into deep consideration what we should do tonight. I didn't want it to seem to bland like a dinner, and I didn't want it to be too awkward like a movie. I had officially decided on bowling - since literally no one went on bowling dates anymore - and I thought he might appreciate the oddity of it.

I left my house at about 6:45, hoping that traffic wouldn't be too bad. It only took 15 minutes to get down to the university, but Friday traffic was awful. Sure enough, I showed up on time. In the hopes that he would be ready, I texted him from my car, letting him know I was here. I walked across the parking lot, into the main lobby, and waited patiently. I looked down at my outfit. I had just worn black jeans and a white t shirt, with a jean jacket over it. I hoped he wouldn't be dressed to fancy, I had forgotten to tell him to dress casual - since where I was bringing him was a secret. I began to worry that he wouldn't want to go to some bowling alley as our first date, but I let the fears go when I saw him walk out of the elevator on the other side of the room. When he saw me, he smiled and waved, which I did in return.

He got over to me and I took one of his hands. "Ready?" I asked as I scanned his body. He had worn a pair of washed out blue jeans, that held tight to his legs, and a red buttoned-up shirt. He nodded, his wide smile still lying from ear to ear. "Ready if you are."

I nodded, leading him to the car, his hand in mine. "Can I know where we're going now?"

"Don't you want to be surprised?" I exclaimed, opening up the passenger side door to my car for him. He sat down and thanked me quietly.

"No, not really. Surprises give me anxiety." He laughed a bit.

I sat down in the driver's side and buckled my seat belt. "I wanted to take you bowling, thought it was kind of different than some basic dinner or something. But if you wanted to go to dinner, or the movies, or something like that we can totally do that." I babbled on for a moment before I was stopped by Harry's soft lips pressing up against mine. It caught me off guard, but all I could do was smile against his lips and pull back.

"Bowling sounds fun." He said, "You worry too much."

I giggled a bit, "I just want you to have fun."

"I already am."

"Good, I only want it to get better from here then." I began driving and I watched him as he fiddled with the radio, finally finding the Bluetooth setting and connecting his iPhone. I peaked out of the corner of my eye at his Spotify to see what he would play, until he finally looked back at me.

"Don't be a spy." He said.

"What are you playing?" I giggled.

"You will see, goodness, nosey." he scrolled for a few more seconds before I began to hear a female's voice talk. Harry seemed to enjoy the slow beat that played as the narrative began.

"What on Earth is this?" I asked and he put his finger up to his lips to quiet me.

Harry began to jokingly sing to the lyrics and I finally recognized the beat of You're Still the One by Shania Twain.

I laughed a bit, "You're a hopeless romantic, aren't you, Styles?"

He continued singing, now looking at me and laughing. I laughed back. I could tell he was giving a joke voice, but it still didn't sound half bad. I could get used to car concerts with him. I refused to begin singing as he egged me on to sing the chorus with him. He moved his arms around like an idiot as he sang. When the song finally ended, more upbeat music played.

"How do you not enjoy that song?" He asked me, while some pop music played quietly.

"I never said I didn't enjoy it." I tried to hold back a grin.

"My beautiful voice had to have sold it." He joked.

"It wasn't half bad." I said and saw him blush as I turned into the parking lot of the small bowling alley. It didn't look like there were many people there. Mostly younger teenagers, probably just there from being excited about the weekend off school.

I looked at him when I parked, turning off the car - along with the music playing through the quiet speakers. "Have everything?"

He nodded at me. I gave him a smile, which he returned, and I got out of the car. I opened up his door for him and watched as he got out. I closed the door behind him, and instead of walking he grabbed my waist to turn me, and leaned me against the car. He leaned in to give me another kiss, this one harder than the one from when I had first picked him up. I kissed him back and felt his hands touch my waist, sending shivers up my spine. He pulled back and I couldn't help but grin like an idiot, looking into his sparkling green eyes. I felt his fingers intertwined with mine and saw the chilling wind blow through his long hair.

"I have everything."

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