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again: i do not write smut. however, sex is a very big symbol in this fic. so i will breeze past the actual sex scenes, but you will know as much about the situation as you need - promise. don't forget to vote and comment to get the rankings up!

louis' pov

I waited in the lobby of the, now familiar, university patiently for Harry to come down. I would go straight to his dorm room, but I had no idea where it was. Suddenly as I was waiting for him to come down, looking around at all the different kinds of people, parents and teenagers, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to where the small tap came from and saw Harry standing behind me, but he looked different. His hair was straight and slicked back, when usually it was its normal curly long style. He was also wearing a bit of makeup, I could see black eyeliner a bit smudged around his eyes.

"Ready to go?" He asked me with a smile.

I stood up. "Yeah, what's with the makeup?"

He gave a confused face. "You have eyeliner on? And your hair?" I laughed.

He gave a sudden surprised expression, "Oh," he started, "Stuff from the musical."

I nodded, walking towards the main exit to the parking lot and held the door open for him. "Thank you." He said as he walked through the open door, me following behind him.

"Of course." I walked beside him, leading him to my car. I felt my fingers brush against his as my arms swayed from each side. I looked up at him, knowing I was blushing, but I saw him smile as he saw me out of the corner of his eye.

"It's okay." He smiled, noticing my blush.

When we finally got to my car, I opened up the passenger side's door and waited until he was sat down to close it behind him. I walked over to the driver's side and got in. I buckled my seat belt and watched as he did the same. I started the car and sat back as I pulled the car out of the parking lot.

"You're being quite the gentleman today." He whispered.

I smiled at this, "I wasn't exactly trying to be, but I guess I'm glad I was." I saw him smile at this.

"I liked it, very cute." He said under his breath.

"So, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, what is it."

"What are we? I mean clearly we've only know each other for this weekend, but what do you want to become?" I babbled on for a moment before he finally started laughing a bit at me. "What's so funny?"

"You. You're cute." I heard him giggle a bit. I drove into the neighborhood of large houses and park in my driveway. I stopped the car and he looked over at me, "I just like having fun, going with the flow. Why put a label on something like this? Seems unnecessary."

"I like the labels. Are you only here for the fun? Or do you see something in this whole stupid situation?" I looked over at him.

"Do you want to go inside and help me shower or sit here and talk for an hour?" He asked me with a smirk on his gorgeous face.

The real answer was talk to him, he was so intriguing. There was just something about his voice that made sparks fly in my stomach. "I'd quite like to help you shower, actually."

He opened up the car door, "Then let's get going." I followed him to my front door and unlocked it. Cam was home, which is one thing I had forgotten about. We walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the couch. I turned around to Harry, seeing him blush - looking really embarrassed. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Cam, I have company."

He turned around to us, "And who is this?" He said, completely ignoring whatever movie was playing on the television in front of him.

"I'm Harry." He said hesitantly from behind me. Cam gave me a joking look.

"Should I give you two some alone time?" He asked, laughing to himself.

Harry giggled a bit under his breath, but I heard it because of how close we were. "No, we're going to go upstairs. Mind yourself please." I began to guide Harry up the stairs. As we walked up, Harry leaned over the railing to shout back to Cam. "Have a nice day!"

"Use protection" He shouted back. I rolled my eyes at his comment and turned around to Harry when we reached the Master bathroom.

"I'm sorry about him." I whispered.

He smiled back at me. "No worries, love." He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my lips. This excited me. I pulled him into the bathroom and flipped the light switch on, closing the door behind him. I faced him, admiring the beauty of his bright green eyes. the black eyeliner that was placed around them made them even brighter in comparison to the black color. I put a hand on his hip and one of the back of his neck, pulling him into an even deeper kiss than before.

He let me dominate him, pushing him up against the wall, and he accepted it. My hands got themselves tangled in his hair, and I felt his warm hands slip up under my t-shirt. I felt my t-shirt slip off and the last time I saw it, it was on the bathroom counter, right neck to the sink. I felt his hands wrap around my small waist and lift me on the ground and he placed me nicely on top of the counter where my shirt was. I took the whole situation in and pulled my lips back from his.

"How about that shower now?"

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